- 131120 – Information and Support
- 2024 North Queensland Relay for Life Register and Win
- 2024 South Queensland Relay for Life Register and Win
- 2024/25 Holiday Season Operating Hours
- 20th Anniversary of World Cancer Day
- A scoping review of group nutrition education and cooking programs for people affected by cancer
- Bequest
- Bridge To Brisbane Terms and Conditions 2021
- Cancer Council Queensland x Blues on Broadbeach Raffle Tickets Terms and Conditions
- Cancer Free Challenge
- Cancer Risk Calculator
- Cancer Volunteer Programs
- Changes in prostate specific antigen (PSA) “screening” patterns by geographic region and socio-economic status in Australia: Analysis of Medicare data in 50–69 year old men
- Changes in rural caregivers’ health behaviours while supporting someone with cancer: A qualitative study
- Christmas Appeal
- Client rights and responsibilities
- Disease mapping: Geographic differences in population rates of interventional treatment for prostate cancer in Australia
- Do It For Cancer 2022 – Terms and Conditions
- Do It For Cancer 2022 – Terms and Conditions
- Do It For Cancer 2023 – Terms and Conditions
- Do It For Cancer 2024 – Post Event Survey Incentive
- Do It For Cancer Terms and Conditions – Survey Prize
- Donate
- Donate monthly
- Email Cancer Support – Brochure Link
- Evaluating changes to home bowel cancer screening kits: an end-user perspective study
- Fundraising Resources
- Geographical and spatial variations in bowel cancer screening participation, Australia, 2015- 2020
- Get involved
- Gift In Will
- Gift in Will – Thank You For Your Submission
- Girls’ Night In – Terms and Conditions 2022
- Girls’ Night In- Terms and Conditions
- Giving Day 2023
- GNI 2022 – Terms and Conditions – Registration Incentive Prize
- GNI Pre Registration
- How Matched Giving Works
- Incidence and survival for childhood cancer by endorsed non-stage prognostic indicators in Australia
- Individual and area level factors associated with breast cancer diagnostic-treatment interval in Queensland, Australia.
- Keratinocyte carcinomas, area-level socioeconomic status and geographic remoteness in Tasmania: cross-sectional associations and temporal trends
- Laryngectomy supplies
- Lifestyle 6
- Maddison
- Market Research Interviews EOI – Prize Terms and Conditions
- nextgenresearch
- Pink Ribbon Fundraiser 2022 – Terms and Conditions
- Ponytail Project | Terms and Conditions for CCQ Competitions and Raffles in Queensland – Highest Fundraising Individuals
- Ponytail Project | Conditions for CCQ Competitions and Raffles in Queensland – Social Share and Win
- Ponytail Project | Terms and Conditions for CCQ Competitions and Raffles in Queensland – Milestone Incentive Prizes
- Relay For Life 2021 Team Banking Challenge – Mackay Pioneer Valley
- Relay For Life 2022 – Brisbane VIP Banking Challenge Competition Terms and Conditions
- Relay For Life 2022 – Far North Queensland – Terms and Conditions for CCQ Competitions and Raffles in Queensland
- Relay For Life 2022 – Terms and Conditions – Build Your Team
- Relay For Life 2022 – Terms and Conditions – Gympie
- Relay For Life 2022 – Gold Coast Banking Challenge Terms and Conditions
- Relay For Life 2022 – Sunshine Coast – Terms and Conditions
- Relay for Life 2023 – Brisbane VIP Banking Challenge Terms and Conditions
- Relay for Life 2023 – Bundaberg Fraser Coast Banking Challenge
- Relay for Life 2023 – Gold Coast Banking Challenge
- Relay for Life 2023 – Sunshine Coast Banking Challenge
- Relay for Life 2023 Terms and Conditions Townsville Banking Challenge
- Relay For Life 2024 – Bundaberg Fraser Coast February Team Banking Challenge
- Relay For Life 2024 – Bundaberg Fraser Coast March Team Banking Challenge
- Relay for Life 2024 Banking Challenge
- Relay For Life 2024 Registration Day Competition Terms and Conditions
- Research snapshot – A consensus report about early detection of melanoma Janda 2020
- Research snapshot – A review of the application of spatial survival methods in cancer research: trends, modelling and visualization techniques
- Research snapshot – Access to Aboriginal community-controlled primary health organisations and Pap test participation Dasgupta 2021
- Research snapshot – Accuracy of self-reported mole densities Betz-Stablein 2020
- Research snapshot – Assessing the accuracy of melanoma risk prediction models Vuong 2020
- Research snapshot – Association between melanoma detected during routine skin checks and mortality Watts 2021
- Research snapshot – Avoidable cancer deaths due to better cancer survival Dasgupta 2020
- Research snapshot – Avoidable deaths among First Nations cancer patients Dasgupta 2022
- Research snapshot – Barriers to home bowel cancer screening Goodwin 2021
- Research snapshot – Breast cancer statistics for young females in Queensland Youlden 2020
- Research snapshot – Cancer in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander children Youlden 2021
- Research snapshot – Cancer incidence in migrants in Australia Yu 2022
- Research snapshot – Cancer incidence projections using Bayesian models Cameron 2021
- Research snapshot – Cervical cancer screening among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Dasgupta 2020
- Research snapshot – Changes in population-level cure of cancer over time Kou 2020
- Research snapshot – Changes over time in skin check behaviours among Australians Reyes-Marcelino 2020
- Research snapshot – Childhood cancer incidence trends and projections in Australia Youlden 2020
- Research snapshot – Childhood cancer prevalence in Australia Youlden 2023
- Research snapshot – Childhood cancer survival in Australia Youlden 2022
- Research snapshot – Childhood Cancer Uganda Liu 2021
- Research snapshot – Childhood Leukaemia Remoteness Jessop 2021
- Research snapshot – Childhood liver cancer trends Di Giuseppe 2020
- Research snapshot – Childhood renal tumours in Australia Jones 2020
- Research snapshot – CNS tumours in Australian children Youlden 2021
- Research snapshot – Colorectal cancer incidence in Australia before and after mandatory fortification of bread flour with folic acid Van Der Pols 2021
- Research snapshot – Comparative performance of predictors of death from thin melanoma Claeson 2021
- Research snapshot – Consumer perspectives on improving bowel cancer screening kits Goodwin 2022
- Research snapshot – Decisions and prompts to screen for cervical, bowel and breast cancer
- Research snapshot – Diagnosis Sub-Saharan Africa Parkin 2021
- Research snapshot – Differences in life expectancy after cancer diagnosis Dasgupta 2022
- Research snapshot – Early diagnosis and cancer deaths Yu 2022
- Research snapshot – Factors associated with death from thin melanoma Claeson 2020
- Research snapshot – Factors associated with high severity breast cancer Kou 2020
- Research snapshot – Further investigation of disease maps Jahan 2020
- Research snapshot – Geographic variation in mesothelioma in Australia Cameron 2022
- Research snapshot – Geographical disparities in screening and cancer-related health behaviour Goodwin 2020
- Research snapshot – Geographical patterns in melanoma incidence by thickness Cramb 2020
- Research snapshot – Hospital characteristics and outcomes following pancreaticoduodenectomy Narendra 2020
- Research snapshot – Hospital characteristics and post-operative mortality following gastrectomy Narendra 2020
- Research snapshot – Impact of remoteness on survival among First Nations cancer patients Cramb 2022
- Research snapshot – Increasing participation in bowel cancer screening Myers 2020
- Research snapshot – Information needs and preferences in rural cancer survivors Crawford-Williams 2021
- Research snapshot – Joint modelling of multiple cancer types using summary statistics Jahan 2020
- Research snapshot – Life expectancy changes after cancer by geographic location Kou 2020
- Research snapshot – Life expectancy changes after cancer over time Kou 2020
- Research snapshot – Lifetime costs of surviving cancer in Queensland Merollini 2020
- Research snapshot – Long-term childhood cancer survival Youlden 2022
- Research snapshot – Lung cancer in Australian children Youlden 2020
- Research snapshot – Melanoma deaths by thickness Baade 2020
- Research snapshot – Melanoma trends in three Australian states Venugopal 2023
- Research snapshot – Motivation and Planning are Needed to Promote Bowel Cancer Screening Myers 2022
- Research snapshot – Need for Control and Self Reliance in bowel cancer screening Goodwin 2022
- Research snapshot – Neuroblastoma in Australian children Youlden 2020
- Research snapshot – Non-cancer mortality among survivors of childhood cancer Youlden 2021
- Research snapshot – Non-stage prognostic indicators for childhood cancer Gupta Aitken 2020
- Research snapshot – Obesity is associated with BRAF(V600E)-mutated thyroid cancer Rahman 2020
- Research snapshot – Online physical activity and sedentary behaviour information for cancer survivors Goodwin 2020
- Research snapshot – Optimizing texting interventions for melanoma prevention and early detection Horsham 2021
- Research snapshot – Outcomes following gastric surgery by hospital characteristics Tian 2021
- Research snapshot – Pattern of sun damage according to body site in Queenslanders Betz-Stablein 2021
- Research snapshot – Patterns of high-grade cervical abnormalities among Indigenous women in Queensland
- Research snapshot – Poorer survival for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients Peng 2021
- Research snapshot – Prevalence of coal mine dust disease Lu 2021
- Research snapshot – Prognostic model for women diagnosed with breast cancer Baade 2022
- Research snapshot – Psychological distress and bowel cancer screening Anderson 2022
- Research snapshot – Psychosocial interventions and cancer-related fatigue Abrahams 2020
- Research snapshot – Recommendations to improve sustainable care for children with cancer around the world Atun 2020
- Research snapshot – Review of poorer survival among First Nations cancer patients Dasgupta 2022
- Research snapshot – Risk factors for the development of melanoma vary according to body site Laskar 2020
- Research snapshot – Risk of thyroid cancer following hysterectomy Rahman 2021
- Research snapshot – Role of law in end-of-life decision-making Willmott 2021
- Research snapshot – Second primary cancer in AYA cancer survivors Youlden 2022
- Research snapshot – Second primary cancers following childhood cancer Youlden 2020
- Research snapshot – Severity and risk factors of interval breast cancer Kou 2023
- Research snapshot – Spatial disparities in incidence and survival of MPNs Cameron 2021
- Research snapshot – Spatial patterns in rare cancer types Dasgupta 2022
- Research snapshot – Study finds text messaging to promote health campaigns effective for young adults Silva 2021
- Research snapshot – Stumbling Blocks Preventing Bowel Cancer Screening Participation Myers 2021
- Research snapshot – Support-seeking by cancer caregivers living in rural Australia Johnston 2022
- Research snapshot – Supportive care needs of regional cancer caregivers Stiller 2021
- Research snapshot – Survival in patients with multiple primary melanomas Peek 2020
- Research snapshot – Survivorship care information for rural survivors Rowe 2022
- Research snapshot – Temporal changes in childhood cancer incidence and survival by stage at diagnosis in Australia, 2000-2017
- Research snapshot – The quality of life of rural cancer caregivers in Australia Goodwin 2022
- Research snapshot – The risk of developing second primary cancers following a primary colorectal cancer Robertson 2022
- Research snapshot – Trends in adult liver cancers Dasgupta 2020
- Research snapshot – Trends in childhood liver cancers Dasgupta 2020
- Research snapshots – Hospital characteristics and outcomes after oesophagogastric cancer surgery Narendra 2020
- Resource Library
- responses
- RFL 2021 Logan Team Banking Challenge T&C’s
- RFL 2021 Terms & Conditions – Team Banking Challenge – Brisbane
- RFL 2021 Terms & Conditions – Team Banking Challenge – Gympie
- RFL 2022 – Competition Terms and Conditions – Bring Your Bestie
- RFL 2022 Terms & Conditions – Team Banking Challenge – Ipswich
- Share your story
- Skin cancer-related conditions managed in general practice in Australia, 2000-2016: a nationally representative, cross-sectional survey
- Skin Check Guide
- SMARTERscreen protocol: A three-arm cluster randomised controlled trial of patient SMS messaging in general practice to increase participation in the Australian National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.
- Spatial patterns of prostate-specific antigen testing in asymptomatic men across Australia: a population-based cohort study, 2017-2018
- SunSmart Shade Creation Initiative Terms and Conditions
- Team CCQ 2022 Terms and Conditions
- Template Terms and Conditions for CCQ Competitions and Raffles in Queensland
- Terms and Conditions for CCQ Competitions and Raffles in Queensland
- Terms and conditions of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea 2022, Queensland Banking Challenge Competition
- Tess
- The association between BRAF-V600E mutations and death from thin (≤1.00 mm) melanomas: A nested case-case study from Queensland, Australia
- The Barriers to Bowel Cancer Screening Scale: Examining Structural Validity, Measurement Invariance, and Criterion Validity
- The Daffodil Magazine Accelerator
- The impact on employment for rural cancer patients and their caregivers travelling to major cities for treatment
- The implementation and mechanisms of advance notifications for cancer screening: a scoping review
- The Longest Day 2022 – Banking Challenge Terms and Conditions
- Volunteer Opportunities
- What are the mechanisms underlying the delivery of survivorship care information in Australia?
- What are the post-treatment information needs of rural cancer survivors in Australia? A systematic literature review
- Wig and Turban Service
- Your Say Survey
- Relay For Life 2023 – Parental/Guardian Event Registration Disclaimer
- Research snapshot – Regional and remote patient experiences Dunn 2021
- Volunteer Information Shortened Link
- ABMT Launch Video
- ABMT Network 10 Terms Conditions 2021
- ABMT WIN Terms & Conditions 2021
- Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Competitions
- Blog
- Cairns Marathon
- Cancer Council Queensland Oncology Nurse of the Year presented by Icon
- Cancer Never Rests Video
- Daffodil Day 2020 Video
- Daffodil Day 2021 Banking Challenge T&Cs
- EHS Privacy Collection Statement
- House of Hope
- Mother’s Day E-Card Privacy Collection Statement
- Noosa Classic
- Relay For Life 2023 – Youth team supervisor disclaimer
- Relay For Life Competition T&Cs
- Research snapshot – Cancer Related Health Seeking Goodwin 2021
- Research snapshot – Crude probability of death for cancer patients by spread of disease in New South Wales, Australia 1985 to 2014 Yu 2021
- Research Snapshots
- Sun Safety | Cancer Council Queensland
- Sunshine Coast Marathon
- Terms and conditions for Daffodil Day 2020
- Test Page For Revisions
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- The Daffodil Magazine
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Posts by category
- Category: 2014
- Third-hand smoke a threat to Queensland kids
- Schedule a skin check, spot a change this summer
- New hope in battle against drug-resistant breast cancer
- Cancer Council calls for joint action to promote smoke free pregnancie
- Feast to feel good this festive season
- One in two Queensland kids suffer sunburn annually
- Thyroid cancer increases almost fivefold in Queensland
- Slip, Slop, Slap app has you covered
- Couples struggle to cope with prostate cancer
- Cancer an environmental disease: World Cancer Atlas
- Experts take major step towards maximising benefits and minimising harms from prostate cancer testing
- Queensland cancer chief appointed to global board
- Queensland leads world with new e-cigarette laws
- Cancer Council calls on schoolies to Slip, Slop, Slap each other
- Queensland one step closer to smoke free spaces
- Teens turn away from the tan
- Queenslanders weigh heavy on health report card
- Deadliest skin cancer increases risk of other cancers including prostate, lung
- Deadly DIY: Online course safeguards home renovators from asbestos
- Young Queenslanders at risk of obesity-related cancers
- Thanks a bunch Queensland – Coles raises a blooming $487,000 for Cancer Council’s Daffodil Day!
- Small uniform changes to protect our school kids
- Cancer Council offers care for carers on 13 11 20
- Relay For Life 2014 raises $4m for Cancer Council Queensland
- Pain-free prostate cancer test could save lives
- Cancer Council launches first Atlas of Women’s Cancer in Queensland
- Cancer Council issues warning as heatwave looms
- Cancer Council backs pre-booked breast screens
- Dom Rizzo dons pink to take on women’s cancers!
- Girls’ Night In: get the girls together and beat women’s cancers
- Survival odds improve for cancer patients who stub out
- Take on women’s cancers with a tap of your smartphone
- Simple shade promotes physical activity and wards off skin cancer
- Portion your plate to be a healthy weight, says Cancer Council
- Bloggers unite in pink to take on women’s cancers!
- Tobacco display bans see smoking rates fall
- Rates of breast cancer soar in Southern Asia
- Workplaces urged to stand up for health and happiness
- Breast screening saves lives, new report shows
- Slide on sunnies daily, Cancer Council warns
- Time to stub out smokes in King George Square: Cancer Council
- Cancer Council urges prostate cancer call-in today
- Rates of HPV drop significantly following vaccine
- Cancer Council launches prostate cancer call-in
- Look pretty in pink to take on women’s cancers
- Queensland’s sunburn stats a scorcher
- 10 deaths a day the tragic toll of tobacco
- Queensland leads the nation with new e-cigarette laws
- Pap smears still vital for women vaccinated for HPV
- Time to clear up confusion on pros and cons of prostate cancer tests
- New research to spark a change in skin checks
- Tobacco Tax Increase Helping Queenslanders Quit
- E-Cigarettes Pose Poison Risk to Kids
- Halt the Salt!
- Relay for Life – The Simple, Social and Mobile Way!
- Patients Call for Greater Psychological Support
- Tomorrow is Daffodil Day!
- Chalk Art Paves the Way for Daffodil Day!
- One in Six Queensland Kids Skip Breakfast
- Show You Care With a Tap of Your Smartphone
- Get Fit Fast for the Gold Coast Games!
- Cancer Survivors Miss Out on Help With Mental Wellbeing
- Researchers Find New Breast Cancer Treatment Target
- CCQ Statement on Reported Link Between Abortion and Breast Cancer
- Fast Food Home Delivery a Drawback for Community Health
- Smoke Free Spaces Key to Solving Smoking While Pregnant
- A Sweet Ekka Experience – The Healthy Way
- Stopping the Spread of Deadly Pancreatic Cancer
- Cancer Council Revs Up to CityCycle for Life!
- Video Intervention May Save Most at Risk of Melanoma
- Declare “iCare” this Daffodil Day through new online campaign
- Declare “iCare” this Daffodil Day through new online campaign
- Cancer Council calls for sunset on private solarium use in Queensland
- Cancer Council calls for sunset on private solarium use in Queensland
- Cancer Council campaign breaks the silence on bowel cancer
- Cancer Council campaign breaks the silence on bowel cancer
- Cancer Council calls for the South West to get moving
- Cancer Council calls for the South West to get moving
- Make a difference: brighten the lives of Queenslanders this Daffodil Day
- Make a difference: brighten the lives of Queenslanders this Daffodil Day
- Hodgkin’s lymphoma breakthrough leads to better treatment
- Hodgkin’s lymphoma breakthrough leads to better treatment
- We’re halfway – cheers to no beers for Dry July!
- We’re halfway – cheers to no beers for Dry July!
- Make a date this Daffodil Day – wear a pin and show you care!
- Five stars from Queensland for new front-of-pack labelling
- Revolutionary new program helps Queenslanders touched by cancer
- Queenslanders need to be more mindful eaters: Cancer Council
- Dry July supports adults living with cancer
- Queenslanders bowling out on bowel cancer test: We must do better
- Queensland shines ahead of states on vitamin D levels
- Outdoor workers say skin cancer inevitable
- New Cancer Council sunscreen for scars protects most vulnerable
- Cancer now leading cause of death nationally
- Cancer Council urges caution on interpretation of new study findings
- Queensland blokes – get your beard on!
- Queensland cancer chief honoured with top award
- Slip, slop, slap slows critically with winter chill
- Queenslanders urged to take life-saving bowel test
- One year on: Cancer Council lodge makes a difference
- Cancer Council takes on women’s cancers!
- New app tips the scales for Queenslanders
- New app tips the scales for Queenslanders
- Queensland: make your cuppa count today!
- Get to know your skin, urges Cancer Council
- Smoke free schools and hospitals a positive step towards statewide smoke free public space
- Newspoll survey shows tea an old-time favourite for Queenslanders – let’s make it count!
- Cheesecake, chocolate replace carrots and corn
- Celebrating a decade of cancer counselling in Queensland
- Insomnia rate three times higher in cancer survivors
- Give the gift of giving this Mother’s Day!
- Brisbane sippers will make every cup count!
- Cancer Council calls on food manufacturers to follow Monster lead
- Takeaway trends serve up shock in Queensland
- Stay EGGceptionally healthy this Easter!
- I Touch Myself transformed into breast awareness anthem
- Brisbane radio Ambassadors call on Queenslanders to raise their cups for cancer!
- Takeaway takes its toll: CCQ backs call for revised dietary target
- Celebrity chef Alana Lowes calls on Queenslanders to raise their cups for cancer
- Grants provide $100,000 boost for cancer care providers
- Ipswich Relay For Life postponed due to weather
- Put a healthy spin on your morning tea!
- Cancer Council calls on Queensland women to give via ‘make-up free selfie’ trend
- Remember cancer doesn’t discriminate, this Harmony Day
- indigenous kids face higher risk of childhood cancer death
- World’s Biggest Tea Bag title brought to Brisbane
- Cycle physical activity into your school week this National Ride2School Day!
- Bring an air of carnival to your kitchen and stock up on Chari-tea essentials!
- Inadequate shade puts Queensland kids at risk
- Slip, Slop, Slap, Sizzle? We’re doing it wrong.
- Chilly change calls to stock up on your Chari-tea essentials!
- Celebrity chef calls on Queensland to raise their cups!
- Cancer Council joins global call to cut down sugar
- Stopping the spread of deadly skin cancer
- Stay SunSmart, and Stay Pretty Forever
- Cancer Council calls on women to get cancer screening rates on target
- You don’t have to be a doctor, scientist or millionaire to beat cancer – make the pledge in 2014!
- Shock over Indigenous pregnancy smoking rates
- Parents – say no to soft drink at weekend sport
- Central Queensland weighs – in above average
- North Queensland weighs-in above average
- South East Queensland weighs-in below average
- Workplaces have a healthy part to play!
- Schools keen to play a stronger role in skin cancer prevention
- Tug-of-war, tiggy combats childhood inactivity
- Raise your cup and tip the balance in the fight against cancer this May
- Australia-first study launches to help cancer survivors
- Sunscreen isn’t a suit of armour
- New research makes inroad into deadly ovarian cancer
- Call for Longreach to get support to quit
- Call for South Burnett to get support to quit
- Call for Isaac to get support to quit
- Call for Logan to get support to quit
- Call for Fraser Coast to get support to quit
- Call for Charters Towers to get support to quit
- Shop well, stay well!
- Enjoy Australia Day the SunSmart way!
- Slip, Slop, Slap should top students’ back-to-school lists
- Plain-packs may prompt Aussies to quit
- Townsville schools in need of a Slip, Slop, Slap
- Cancer named top health concern for Aussies
- Tax may be part of bitter-sweet solution
- Hints to stay healthy this New Year!
- Category: 2015
- Melanoma most common cancer in young Queenslanders
- Smoking rates fall among Queensland teens
- Set a New Year’s resolution – the right way!
- Life after cancer can be brighter
- Cancer Council’s gotcha covered – all summer long!
- Hero access to Australia’s largest triathlon event
- Relay For Life 2015 raises $3.5m for Cancer Council Queensland
- Fit, Happy, Healthy, and Festive
- Wet’n’Wild gets SunSmart for Summer!
- Qld seeks support on 13 11 20
- Health Star Ratings Key to Beating Childhood Obesity
- Is the Size of Your Plate Putting Your Health at Risk?
- Genetic Variations Key to Accurate PSA Testing
- Cancer Council Issues Warning with Queensland Heatwave
- Overweight Queenslanders Drink Twice as Many Sugary Drinks
- Let’s end the stigma of smoking for Lung Cancer Awareness Month
- One in Two Aussie Sunburns Occur During Everyday Activity
- State-of-the-Art Radiation Therapy Starts up at Springfield
- Lights for Lucy Shine Brightly this Christmas
- Genetic variant increases breast cancer risk
- Legislation introduced to ensure a smoke free Queensland
- Ugly Xmas Rashie launches new Aussie tradition
- Shake it off – summer is here
- Bigger plates and portions drive Queenslanders to overeat and drink
- Dirty Dancing Queensland audiences give over $63,700 to help beat women’s cancers!
- Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
- There’s still time to get the girls together
- Queenslanders embark on virtual tour across Australia for charity
- Death rates from women’s cancers drop significantly
- Queensland turns pink to beat women’s cancers
- Attitude checks essential for men 50 years and older
- New research examines changes in BRCA1 and 2 to help predict cancer risk
- A reminder that carers need care too
- World Obesity Day: Community action key to beating epidemic
- Alana Lowes shares recipe to beat women’s cancers
- Beenleigh Town Square goes smoke free to save lives
- Work life for many cancer survivors never the same
- Newsreaders take on women’s cancers this October
- Queenslanders in disadvantaged areas far more likely to get cancer
- Queensland – join the ultimate journey for a cure
- Make a date to beat women’s cancers – are you in?
- Queenslanders warned of new wave of mesothelioma
- Queenslanders go gold for childhood cancers
- Men urged to phone-in today for help with prostate cancer
- $7M clinical trial funding set to save lives
- Where there’s a Will, there’s a way
- Queenslanders warned against sports drinks
- Men urged to pick up the phone for help with prostate cancer
- Survival improves for deadly, rare childhood cance
- New tax on tobacco drives smokers to quit
- New research improves life expectancy estimates
- Understanding food labels
- Hope grows brighter this Daffodil Day
- Deadly liver cancer on the rise in Queensland
- Peppa Pig supports Daffodil Day to raise money for Cancer Council
- Young survivors’ summit builds on cancer care
- Coles celebrate two decades of growing hope at the checkout
- New guide to coping with cancer in the classroom
- Seeking sun to boost vitamin D a major risk in Queensland
- Showgoers get healthy and happy this Ekka holiday
- Kat Feeney cares about beating cancer in Queensland
- Queenslanders risk cancer death due to late detection
- Takeaways tip the scales towards poor health
- Research Council funding grants vital insight on volunteering
- Cancer Council launches Daffodil Appeal this August
- Kristina Costalos grows hope this Daffodil Day
- Men less likely to beat melanoma
- Shady is back in style
- New hope for patients with head and neck cancers
- New survival figures provide hope for kids with cancer
- Daffodil Day turns Qld yellow to support cancer patients
- CCQ calls on Queenslanders to give colour a spin
- One in three dial 13 11 20 for practical help with cancer
- The glass is half full for Dry July-ers!
- Fitter, happier, more productive
- Lock it in, wear a pin this Daffodil Day!
- Cancer Council welcomes benchmark Bill on smoke free spaces
- Queenslanders benefit from boom in healthy snacks
- Third time unlucky: Young men miss HPV shots
- Register for Relay For Life – help make a difference!
- New network to unite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the fight against cancer
- Women must beware to be breast aware between screenings
- Young Queenslanders scalding in the weekend sun
- Go dry this July to support adults living with cancer
- Secret men’s business
- Spirit of Ekka goes smoke free
- Blokes, better health only takes a moment
- Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
- Four food myths busted!
- Stubble trouble grows for a good cause
- 16 smoking-related cancers we can do without for World No Tobacco Day
- Queensland: make your cuppa count today!
- National Palliative Care Week – It’s time to talk about dying
- Queensland kids get ready to walk for good health
- How to feel like a million dollars – on a dime
- Queensland schools win world praise on anti-sugar strategies
- Cancer Council tweaks typical morning tea for health!
- Peppa Pig helps kids make sun protection fun
- Older Queenslanders most at risk of skin cancer
- New cervical cancer screening program to save lives
- New radio show helps Central Queenslanders live and stay well
- Pop the kettle on and tea up online to beat cancer!
- Beenleigh Town Square a breath of fresh air
- Patients win access to earlier super at end of life
- Cancer Council welcomes new Australian-first public Gamma Knife
- #mymum this Mother’s Day, and show your world you care
- Two in three Aussie smokers will die from the habit
- Five ways to ward off the winter blues
- Taking action against brain cancer
- Celebrity cook gives Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea new flavour
- Cancer Council calls on schools to sign-up in QUEST against cancer
- Queensland women benefit from HPV vaccination
- Online foodies converge on Australia’s Biggest BYO Morning Tea!
- Cancer Council supports Look Good Feel Better program
- Slip, slop, slap, SMS #nomoresunburn
- Pop the kettle on: Celebrity chef raises cup in cancer fight
- Stamford Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea – you’ll be mad if you don’t!
- Queenslanders called to action
- Research reveals global gap in prostate cancer survival
- Consumers warned to shop smart for sun shades
- Online foodies InstaMeet for Australia’s Biggest BYO Morning Tea!
- National Youth Week reminder to Seize the Day
- Researchers take a new approach to beating breast cancer
- More kids surviving cancer – but tragedy still strikes
- Where there’s tea there’s hope: Stock up on Chari-tea essentials!
- Sweet wash – natural sweeteners still heavy on the scales
- $100,000 boost for Queensland cancer care providers
- Stay EGGceptionally healthy this Easter long weekend!
- Young Queenslanders warned against holiday tanning
- Insomnomore – six tips to sleep well and stay happy
- Distressing condition highlighted during awareness month
- Dial 13 11 20 today for help with lung cancer
- Smoke in their faces: Queensland kids facing future disease
- Dial 13 11 20 today for help with lung cancer
- Dance dirty and support Cancer Council Queensland
- Making cancer care and information accessible this Harmony Day
- New PalAssist helpline picks up 24/7
- Cancer survival lower for Indigenous Australians
- New research gives hope to women with BRCA1 and 2
- Rockhampton local speaks out about rare cancer experience
- Smoke free Flinders Street a welcome move
- The Six Habits of Healthy and Happy People
- Cancer Council calls on hosts for $2.5m Biggest Morning Tea
- International Women’s Day: Let’s cut female cancer rates!
- Queensland researchers better-placed to attack ovarian cancer
- Sleeplessness a nightmare for many cancer patients
- #themarchcharge – see your selfie on a Brisbane billboard!
- New online resource rekindles sex after cancer
- Queenslanders with cancer urged to seek help in floods
- Increase in teenagers’ screen use a new threat to long-term health
- Cancers triple in Queensland in 30 year period
- International Childhood Cancer Day
- Queensland focuses in on forgotten cancers
- Time for a cuppa to help beat cancer!
- Cancer Council works hard to help plate up health in Queensland
- Don’t get sucked in by cheap frozen drinks, Cancer Council warns
- Queenslanders stock up online for sunscreen, sunnies and sunhats
- Survivors go without support, state-first study reveals
- Join us on World Cancer Day
- Queenslanders ready to run down cancer in March
- Shade grants turn the Sunshine State SunSmart!
- Radio show helps Queenslanders live and stay well
- Pre-booked breast screens roll out statewide
- Say hello to Sun Mum, lovelies
- Aussie Aussie Aussie, Slip Slop Slap!
- Lift the lunchbox to get kids healthier, happier, smarter
- Research prompts hope for HPV-related cancers
- New pro-bono program promotes legal aid for cancer patients
- Property law review clears the air for smoke free spaces
- Sound of summer targets slip slop slackers
- Steaks, snags, and smokin’ hot tips for a tender summer marinade
- Health and fitness top 2015 resolution lists – let’s make them stick!
- Sun sets on solarium use in Queensland
- New year, new smoking bans hit Queensland
- Australians invited to Biggest Blogger Morning Tea!
- Category: 2016
- Have your say: The future of smoking in Queensland
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 22 April
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 15 April
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 8 April
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 1 April
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 18 March
- A message from Queensland’s Minister for Health, The Hon. Cameron Dick MP, on the retirement of Cancer Council Queensland’s CEO, Professor Jeffrey Charles Dunn AO.
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 4 March
- Queenslanders call for full quits on smoking – once and for all
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 28 January
- Regional women risk lengthy delays in breast cancer diagnosis
- Average Queensland adult has 15kg to lose in 2017
- Queensland unwraps a holly, jolly, healthy Christmas
- Community kindness saves lives and supports families living with cancer
- Queensland kids dealt double risk of melanoma
- Queensland records highest incidence of cancer nationally
- Brisbane cancer survivors invited to take part in world-first research study
- Support only a call away over Christmas for Queensland cancer patients
- Cancer Council’s ultimate Christmas gift guide
- Online BreastScreen bookings set to save QLD lives
- North Queensland holds top adult obesity rate in state
- Smoke drift from balconies high on Queensland agenda
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 3 December
- Urgent heatwave warning as summer kicks off in Queensland
- UV camera set to snapshot skin damage on Sunshine Coast
- 1 in 3 young mums still smoke in first 20 weeks of pregnancy
- Help fight cancer by sharing your thoughts – Health Professionals
- Help fight cancer by sharing your thoughts
- Sunburn still a burning issue for Queenslanders
- Cancer Council welcomes call for sugary drink tax
- Queensland, Cancer Council wants you to Slip into something ugly this Christmas
- Melanoma on the rise as Queenslanders fail to slip, slop, slap
- New research shows more Queensland smokers butting out
- Letter to the Editor: Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
- Alcohol consumption among students significantly declining
- Register for Relay For Life – together we can achieve more!
- Beat the heat with CCQ’s summer SunSmart sale!
- Eight myths about sun protection debunked
- Letter to the Editor: Lung Cancer Awareness Month
- Queensland secures world-first prostate cancer survivorship centre
- Cancer Council celebrates 20 years of 13 11 20 in Queensland
- Queensland, remember carers need care too
- Changes at the checkout key to reducing childhood obesity
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 8 October
- 1 in 3 Queensland kids swiped by screen time, new stats show
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 1 October
- Girls’ Night In gives hope to young ovarian cancer patient
- Christmas has arrived with Cancer Council’s 2016 Ugly Xmas Rashie!
- Cloncurry Graziers the spirit of Red Dirt Relay For Life
- Breast, bowel survival gap significant in small areas
- Mon and Jo get the girls together to beat women’s cancers
- Prostate cancer: men with greatest needs least likely to seek help
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 17 September
- CCQ and Icon Care partnership to benefit locals with cancer
- Letter to the Editor: Australia’s Health 2016
- Female friendships drive fight against women’s cancers
- Letter to the Editor: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
- Quirky bowel campaign abandons taboos on ‘number twos’
- Supporter Services Officer
- Smoke drift in homes: Have your say
- Having partner reduces risk of death for men with prostate cancer
- Queensland leads the world with historic smoking laws
- Cancer Council celebrates 30 years strong of Daffodil Day
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 27 August
- New data: more than 8 out of 10 childhood cancer survivors struggle with health problems later in life
- Get active to save your health, money, and mind
- A day in the life of an Admin Volunteer
- Regional women bridge the breast reconstruction divide
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 13 August
- Pens, pins and dinner suit Dougal Bears celebrate 30 years
- True cost of an unhealthy shop revealed by Cancer Council
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 6 August
- Kristina Costalos supports Daffodil Day for someone she knows
- Queensland to Get Moving with Cancer Council!
- Cancer Council calls on clinicians to screen for distress
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 30 July
- Computer just as effective as clinical screening for head and neck cancer patients
- Local councils supported ahead of new smoking laws
- World first prostate cancer surgery trial
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 23 July
- Historical lift in life expectancy raises hope for cancer patients
- Half of all Queenslanders turn to Google for nutritional info
- Walk the talk to improve your wellbeing
- Amanda Abate signs on to celebrate 30 years of Daffodil Day
- Cheers to no beers – Dry July heroes are over halfway!
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 16 July
- Meet Debbie – Relay For Life volunteer
- Queensland – lock it in and wear a pin this Daffodil Day!
- National stats confirm Queensland is the Sun Damage State
- New study to improve sex lives of men with prostate cancer
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 9 July
- Patients and GPs fail to recognise overweight and obesity
- Cancer Council welcomes interstate action on generational phase-out of smoking
- Queenslanders clock up unhealthy screen time
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 2 July
- Overdiagnosis not solely to blame for sharp thyroid cancer increase
- Queensland records second lowest rate of cervical screening
- Go dry for July – help Queenslanders with cancer!
- 1 in 3 young Mums smoke in first 20 weeks of pregnancy
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 25 June
- Stronger Regions Fund delivers $785k for Cancer Council Brisbane lodge
- Australian childhood cancer deaths drop sharply
- Warm up your wellbeing this winter!
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 18 June
- Coffee safe, but very hot beverages can cause cancer
- Aussies drop the ball on daily cardio, strength training for health
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 11 June
- Men, it’s time to beard up for charity this winter
- Queensland, give up the junk this June!
- One in three screen eating a swipe for bad health
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 4 June
- Indigenous cancer survival improves significantly, disparity remains
- June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
- Aussies support sugary drink tax, ban on junk food ads
- Cancer Council calls on universities, TAFE, to go smoke free
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 28 May
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 21 May
- Hidden salt a health trap: Cancer Council warning
- Cancer Council goes junk free this June!
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 14 May
- Cancer Council chief calls for a smoke free future
- Brisbane’s biggest tea party treats unveiled for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
- Adjustment to Benign or Non-malignant Brain Tumour
- Pituitary Tumours
- Benign Brain Tumours
- Getting Back into Daily Activities
- Lifestyle choices cause one third of all disease burden
- Multiple melanomas linked with poorer survival
- What’s your why?…Caitlin’s Story
- Save the date – Stamford Plaza hosts Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
- BOOBS: Free guide shows the five signs of breast cancer
- Sunburn scorches most Queensland adults every year
- Live Well, Be Well radio – 23 April
- Alana adds spice to Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
- World experts launch lifesaving melanoma research centre
- Queensland kids fail the fruit and veg test
- Cancer Council helps parents talk to kids about cancer
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 16 April
- Smoking in youth leads to lifetime habit, global data shows
- Experts call for food labelling to get physical
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 2 April
- Global obesity crisis keeps getting heavier
- Cancer Council reveals shock sugars in Easter treats
- Women, it’s time to make a move
- High intensity exercise improves the health of bowel cancer survivors
- Cancer patients without partners have greater risk of death
- Goodlife Health Clubs runs down cancer in Queensland!
- More care needed for cancer screening: Cancer Council
- Survivors offer strong support to newly diagnosed
- Healthy habits to win over fussy eaters
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 20 February!
- Parliament passes Bill for a smoke-free future
- 3D models mimic cells to fight aggressive ovarian cancer
- CCQ writes for Style Magazines – how’s your everyday health?
- Live Well, Be Well radio – 13 February!
- Cancers more than triple in Queensland over 31 years
- Daily soft drink habit weighs heavy on bad health: Cancer Council
- Workers affected by cancer offered specialised support
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 6 February
- Everyday Health Survey seeks keys to health and happiness
- Experts reach consensus on sun protection and vitamin D
- Cancer Council creates shade for kids in Queensland
- Young Queenslanders still attempt a summer tan
- Take a break – spice up your office life
- Struth, it’s a healthy ‘Straya Day!
- New cancer nurse counsellors on call to help
- Category: 2017
- Cancer Council Queensland welcomes sugary drinks crackdown
- Queensland cancer research boosted with $2 million research grant
- Avoid the Santa sizzle as UV levels remain high for Christmas
- Have a merry, healthy Christmas and beat the holiday bulge
- Support just a call away for cancer patients over festive season
- Cancer Council Christmas Appeal heralds hope for Queensland families
- Australia’s youngest affected by rising cancer rates
- Cancer Council Queensland volunteers the unsung heroes of cancer control
- Community cervix announcement: new screening program launches
- Unfit Australians contributing to cancer burden
- Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
- Cancer Council gift guide: Survive the Christmas rush without the stress
- Cancer Council and GC2018 weave sun safety into volunteer uniforms
- National Skin Cancer Action Week 2017
- Melanoma rates stabilising in Queensland for the first time
- Beat the heat this summer: 7 tips to exercise safely
- There’s still time to get the girls together for Girls’ Night In
- Serving up tips to increase veggie intake
- Carers of Queensland cancer patients seeking support
- Elevated, firm and growing spots are key features of atypical melanomas
- This is how to create the perfect Girls’ Night In platter
- Workplaces urged to tip the scales for World Obesity Day
- Six tips for hosting the ultimate Girls’ Night In
- Cervical cancer survivor opens up to help Queensland women
- Queensland-first study set to help close regional cancer divide
- Cancer Council Queensland issues heatwave warning
- Join 20,000 Queenslanders Relaying for a cancer free future
- Jo and Mon prove girl power makes a difference in cancer fight
- Cancer Council Queensland’s work in childhood cancers
- Queenslanders failing to seek cancer treatment to avoid financial burden
- Meat consumption a sizzling issue for Queenslanders
- Slip, Slop, Slap for a sun safe school holiday
- Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
- Get the girls together to help beat women’s cancers
- Six tips to spring into better health
- Early detection of cancer saved local woman
- Cancer Council Queensland set to launch new patient transport service in Brisbane
- New Cancer Council podcasts help cancer patients navigate through a diagnosis
- Cancer Council Queensland urges women to prioritise health to reduce burden of women’s cancers
- Queensland’s youngest cancer battlers fight back for survival
- Cancer Council reveals new Ugly Xmas Rashie design for summer 2017
- It’s More Herbs, Less Salt Day
- Register to walk for women’s cancers this weekend
- Daffodil Day set to deliver for all Queenslanders, all cancers
- Married at First Sight star shines spotlight on cancer ahead of Daffodil Day
- Why you should grow hope this month
- Healthy eating hurdles and how to overcome them
- Urgent action needed to fight tobacco’s tragic toll on tradies
- Queenslanders happier with healthier food choices
- Childhood sun exposure causing majority of skin cancer cases
- Face of Walk For Women’s Cancers is living her best life after breast cancer
- Cancer Council Queensland’s healthy Ekka checklist
- Queenslanders, let’s keep our kids active this winter
- Register for Sunshine Coast walk now to win luxury stay
- Step out to save lives at Walk For Women’s Cancers
- New program targets health of Queensland teachers
- Queensland researchers discover cancer kill switch for breast cancer subtype
- Wealth and remoteness driving factors for head and neck cancer disparities
- Queenslanders urged to lighten their load to reduce obesity burden
- Mid-year review time: Hit your health resolutions!
- Cancer Council applauds Government action to improve hospital parking
- Daffodil Day: buy a bear, a pen, a pin
- Free wigs give Queensland cancer patients their confidence back
- Cancer Council Queensland CEO: My vision for a cancer free future
- Cancer Council Queensland calls for greater action to chew the fat on junk food pricing
- Primary liver cancer cases in Queensland double in a decade
- Still time to go dry throughout July
- Kids’ health on the scoreboard ahead of State of Origin
- Well-being tips to ward off the winter woes
- Daffodil Day blooms in Queensland for another year
- Queensland women failing to take part in recommended screening programs
- Greater action needed to close the gap on Indigenous cancer survival
- Welders reminded to protect themselves at work to reduce cancer risk
- Veggies not on the menu for Queensland adults
- Cancer in Queensland: a community issue
- Patient preferences, region linked to bowel cancer survival
- Relay For Life gives hope to 27,000 Queenslanders affected by cancer
- Make your move – sit less, exercise more
- Take a tea break to support Queensland cancer patients
- Fatal burden of cancer predicted to increase among women
- Melanoma mortality rates on the rise for Queensland men
- Regional cancer patients receive boost in support thanks to Federal Community Development Grant
- Regional cancer patients are being short changed: Cancer Council calls on State Government to take action
- Winter warning: Cancer Council urges schools to Slip, Slop, Slap
- The true cost of cancer – have your say
- Bowel Cancer Awareness Month: What are the symptoms and how can you prevent it?
- Cancer Council steps-up call to arms to save our kids
- Cancer Council urges hospitals to stop selling soft drinks
- Queensland: make your cuppa count today!
- What’s your 10-year ambition for health and happiness?
- Cancer Council calls for smoking crackdown in units
- New online guide to HPV clears up confusion
- Cancer Council vollies give happy to live happy
- Cancer Council calls on BCC to square off against smokes in city heart
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 29 April
- Fraser Coast sets pace as Queensland’s fresh air capital
- Dom Rizzo dons apron for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea!
- Rise and shine: Reset your health horizon with a morning workout
- Sunburn and skin cancer see spike in GP visits
- Mon and Jo pop the kettle on for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
- Escalating out-of-pocket costs under the microscope
- Save the date – Stamford Plaza hosts Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea – Queensland style!
- Cancer Council unwraps Hot Cross Kilojoules this Easter
- Australian researchers map the way to a cancer-free future
- No-smoking by-laws the next step for a smoke free Queensland
- Three strikes for Brisbane: young men and women miss HPV shots
- We’re here for you this World Health Day
- New chari-tea essentials help join the dots for Queenslanders with cancer
- 5,000 cases of cancer a year linked to the workplace
- Sarina Relay For Life postponed due to weather
- Letter to the Editor: Get active, get inspired
- North Queenslanders with cancer urged to seek help during Cyclone Debbie
- Queensland counts the kilojoules ahead of new laws
- Letter to the Editor – Take charge of your health and a cancer free future
- Letter to the Editor – Close The Gap Day
- Queenslanders call for no-smoking by-laws
- Mindfulness not for everyone, new research shows
- Progress on cervical cancer stalls in Queensland
- Queensland sunburn stats a warning as Autumn kicks in
- Butt out for a healthier you
- SunSmart Shade Creation keeps Queensland kids sun safe
- 28 Brisbane locals diagnosed with cancer every day
- Community cervix announcement: new test will save lives
- Make the charge towards a healthier, happier you
- Cancer cases triple: three Queenslanders diagnosed every hour
- Letter to the Editor – Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
- Vale Noeline Ikin
- No sunnies not funny – call to protect children’s future vision
- Researchers strive to shine light on thin skin cancers
- Adding spice to improve chemotherapy symptoms
- Could your kitchen be damaging your diet?
- Join the charge this March to give cancer a run for its money
- Australians face one new case of cancer every four minutes
- Smokes now a no-go in Queensland national parks
- We Can, I Can, Queensland can – this World Cancer Day, Saturday 4 February!
- Australia Day – without the binge and burn
- Set your summer barbecue to sizzle with good health
- Lunchbox shocks spark warning for kids
- Letter to the Editor – Extreme UV levels expected for Queensland
- Clinical trial funding set to save cancer patients from fatal infections
- Cancer Council awards $2 million of research grants in Queensland
- Cancer Council, Queensland Health issue urgent warning as heatwave hits its peak
- Sunscreen safe to use
- Category: Advocacy
- Tipping the scales against sugary drinks: Survey shows support for obesity prevention initiatives
- Weekend warriors: Minimise sports drinks, refuel with water
- Cancer Council Queensland calls on workplaces to go smoke-free
- Have your say: The future of sugary drinks
- Men’s health in bad shape compared to women, research shows
- Cervical Screening Program: your questions answered
- Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month: get to know the symptoms to save lives
- Number of Australians living with or beyond cancer to surge 72% by 2040: 1 in 18 Australians will have a personal history of cancer
- Queenslanders speak out in support of smoke-free places
- New Cancer Council program set to benefit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers
- Category: Brain Tumour Support Service
- Brain Tumour Support Service Newsletter
- A letter from the editor
- Upcoming Information Sessions
- Have your say!
- Support for family carers – Carers Queensland
- Caring for a child – Brainchild Foundation
- Self-care for partners and caregivers
- BTAA Summit and Consumer Forum – what we learned
- CanTeen Brain Tumour Support Group in West End
- Category: Breakthroughs
- Category: Careers
- Category: Children’s cancers
- Category: Corporate Partnerships
- Category: Event
- Category: Events
- Queensland: make your cuppa count tomorrow!
- Celebrate, Remember and Fight back: Register for Relay For Life!
- Girls’ Night In: Make a difference and highlight women’s health
- Host a Girls’ Night In and support women affected by cancer
- Who will you Dedicate a Daffodil to?
- Relay For Life turning the state purple for season two
- Get active, get inspired with Team CCQ
- 16,000 Queenslanders set to walk at Relay For Life in 2018
- Hello world!
- New Cancer Council cosmetics tackle premature aging and skin cancer risk
- Category: General Media Release
- New research highlights importance of screening for breast cancer patients
- New research highlights gap in remaining life expectancy for First Nations people diagnosed with cancer
- Newly published data gives hope, shows higher survival rates for childhood brain cancers
- Cancer is on the rise. But is it all bad? Award winning Australian Cancer Atlas doubles down on the digits
- Cancer Council Queensland committed to supporting cancer patients during COVID-19 pandemic
- Volunteer Voice December 2019
- Coping with cancer over Christmas
- $4 million in cancer research funding announced
- Statement on former Cancer Council Queensland employee
- Can you separate fact from fiction? Five sun safety myths debunked!
- Unhealthy weight and cancer risk – not to be taken ‘lightly’
- New insights into Queensland’s cancer burden
- Cancer Council opens pop-up store on Brisbane’s northside: Buy your SunSmart essentials now!
- McNamara Law partners with Cancer Council Queensland to expand Free Will Service to Ipswich
- Pink Ribbon Day: Powerful reason to get involved
- Call for increased membership as National SunSmart Program celebrates 20 years
- World Obesity Day: Beverage intake adding to hefty burden
- New silica resources released for National Safe Work Month serves as a reminder of hidden cancer risk
- Survey seeks to shape future of skin cancer prevention
- Spotlight on childhood cancers
- SunSmart Shade Creation Initiative grant now open
- Cancer Council Queensland marks World Mental Health Day with free information sessions
- Host a Girls’ Night In and catch up, raise funds, and save lives
- New research provides complete picture of cancer mortality burden
- Flower power to save lives: StarTrack delivers 965,000 daffodils for Daffodil Day Appeal
- Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide before you shop for those Ekka show bags
- Schools urged to turn yellow and get involved this Daffodil Day Appeal
- Still time to step out for a cancer free future at The Sunday Mail Bridge to Brisbane
- Building healthy habits and reducing cancer risk this Tradies Health Month
- Sofitel Brisbane Central merge girl power with French influence to host Cancer Council campaign launch
- Cancer Council Queensland applauds Government as leader in tobacco control following award win
- Relay For Life season two turning state purple to create cancer free future
- School students called to give verdict on anti-smoking ads
- Cervical cancer screening participation key to closing the gap
- Cancer patients to benefit from Olive McMahon Lodge renovations
- Cancer Council Queensland calls for action on smoking loop hole
- Go dry this July and help provide vital Cancer Council support service
- Volunteer for Cancer Council Queensland at Gold Coast Marathon
- Kip Wightman speaks up this Men’s Health Week as a Cancer Council Queensland ambassador
- Run towards something meaningful this Global Running Day with Team CCQ
- Letter to the Editor: Thank you for raising a cuppa your way this May
- Make World No Tobacco Day your quit date
- Pop the kettle on: Popular foodie raises cuppa as charity ambassador
- Volunteers are making a world of difference to cancer cause: Here’s how you can too!
- Etiquette expert shares how to be a high tea connoisseur ahead of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
- Tele-workshop introduces cancer patients to relaxation therapy
- Stamford Plaza hosts fashionista-themed Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
- Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea at Parliament House
- Sunburn statistics a warning against complacency
- How to host a morning tea with a healthy twist
- Accelerating collaborative cancer research in Queensland
- New childhood cancer research examines stage of cancer at diagnosis
- New blood cancer study: Burden of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms in Australia revealed
- Cancer insights revealed for Queensland
- $2 million in cancer research grants awarded in Queensland
- Queensland, it’s time to raise your mugs
- New data reveals childhood cancer burden in Australia
- Get familiar with ovarian cancer symptoms this February
- Awareness appeal launched as research reveals impact of physical inactivity and obesity on cancer burden
- Statement: Cancer Council Australia position on non-health public policy issues
- Healthy lunchboxes for healthy kids
- Australia Day sunburn warning
- Workplaces urged to stand up for employee health
- 2019 health and wellness resolution list – let’s make them stick!
- Fire up a healthier barbecue this Boxing Day
- Prepare for happy, healthy holiday season with these tips
- A message for patients coping with cancer over Christmas
- Spacial modeller named a Superstar of STEM
- Queensland’s 2018 CancerFREE Challenge winners crowned
- 7 tips to help you avoid the summer sizzle and protect your skin
- Beat the summer heat with these SunSmart Christmas gifts
- Urgent sun safety warning as summer kicks off
- Raising awareness for pancreatic cancer
- Queensland tradies and renovators reminded of fatal asbestos danger
- Cancer burden weighs heavy on health report card
- Public support needed to eliminate cervical cancer
- Ovarian cancer advocate among Queensland Young Australian of the Year Awards finalists
- There’s still time to get the girls together for Girls’ Night In
- Cancer Council Queensland calls for help to tackle tobacco as a social justice issue
- 1800 Australian cancers caused by lack of fruit and veggies
- AIHW report shows importance of screening and lifestyle choices
- Cancer patients not alone when it comes to mental health
- SunSmart Shade Creation Initiative keeps kids safe from the sun
- Volunter Voice September 2018
- Australian Cancer Atlas unpacks cancer burden by locality
- Chemotherapy and radiation in childhood can cause rare cancer
- Prostate cancer: What you need to know
- Can we help you or someone you love?
- Alumni August 2018
- Q&A with Dr Kate Gartlan
- My hope for the future
- How to talk to someone with cancer
- Cervical cancer patients with multiple health conditions face lower chance of survival
- Challenge yourself to get fit for Walk for Women’s Cancers: Here are 5 tips to get started
- Cancer Council Queensland expands patient transport service in Brisbane
- Cheers to no beers – 4 tips to continue staying dry this July
- Robotic surgery giving hope to prostate cancer patients
- Ponytail Project calls on students to rock the chop for cancer
- Boost your nutrition to ward off winter cold and flus
- Corporates can reap benefits of volunteering on Daffodil Day
- Premature cancer deaths a significant burden in Queensland
- Breast cancer survival disparities consistent across Australia
- Queensland tea etiquette expert shares all ahead of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
- Drinking habits of Queenslanders causing hundreds of cancer cases
- The cancer risk factors you might not be aware of yet
- SunSmart app protecting Commonwealth Games visitors
- Egg-xorbitant sugar levels found in Easter favourites
- Eating well for your waistline and wallet
- Queenslanders set to celebrate 25 years of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
- Lung cancer cases hitting Indigenous communities hard
- Cancer screening a priority for International Women’s Day
- Schools warned against sun complacency as seasons change
- Summer ending but Queenslanders still need ugly staple
- Not-for-profits urged to apply for SunSmart Shade Creation Initiative
- Childhood cancer statistics available online for the first time
- Queenslanders urged to choose healthy food delivery options for better health
- What does 5 serves of veggies and 2 of fruit a day really mean?
- Re-think sweet this Valentine’s Day: 7 ideas for a healthier celebration
- Cancer Council Queensland’s 2017 highest fundraisers crowned
- Some Queensland regions hit heavy with soaring obesity rates
- Plan ahead to avoid long weekend burn, Cancer Council warns
- Back to school: Cancer Council calls for kids to hop, skip, jump for better health
- Healthy choices could prevent 25 cancer cases a day
- Guide to a skin smart summer: How to select and slop sunscreen on correctly
- Weight loss myths weigh heavy on obesity burden
- Volunteer Voice August
- 1 in 3 confused about causes of sunburn
- A new era begins: CCQ CEO takes on strategic research leadership role
- Retail Support Officer, Brisbane
- Dom Rizzo dons apron for biggest morning tea!
- Disadvantaged kids face greater risks from smoking
- Asbestos health costs hit billions globally
- Host a healthy morning tea for Cancer Council!
- Letter to the Editor: National Youth Week
- Global data rules: Kids with cancer set to benefit
- Queensland still the skin cancer capital of the world
- Better health is just a hop, skip, jump away for kids
- Brisbane – can we pull off Australia’s Biggest BYO Morning Tea?
- Stop sweating the small stuff
- Cancer Council Qld urges Australian Governments to follow UK action
- Close the Gap day 2016
- Consumers set to benefit from new menu labelling laws
- Spice up your social life with chari-tea essentials
- Cancer Council issues warning as summer-like temperatures linger
- Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
- How’s your everyday health?
- Create your own fundraiser to join the fight against cancer
- Live Well, Be Well Radio – 23 January
- Eggs, apples, rice, carrots the new lunchbox loves
- Where women live influences decisions about breast cancer treatment
- Live Well, Be Well Radio
- Springfield radiation service helps local cancer patients
- Cancer Council’s got Queenslanders covered for Australia Day
- World Cancer Day: Local action inspires global change
- Six ways to start 2016 as the healthiest, happiest you
- New report sparks health concerns for Brisbane
- Researchers target protein that helps spread lung cancer, leukaemia and melanoma
- Queensland benefits from local cancer support
- Call for Christmas donations to help beat childhood cancers
- Crack a healthy Christmas, says Cancer Council
- Only 1 in 20 Aussies eat enough fruits and veggies
- Sunscreen isn’t a suit of armour
- Live Well, Be Well Radio
- Volunteers powering for a cancer free future: Cancer Council says ‘Thanks!’
- Queensland, raise your cups for chari-tea!
- Cancer Council supports new quit smoking ads
- Wide Bay Burnett weighs-in above average
- New report shows cancer the No. 1 global killer
- Lack of seeking shade leads to sunburnt teens
- Category: Health Professionals
- Category: Health Professionals Cancer Network
- Cancer Network for Health Professionals
- Pancreatic Cancer Forum
- New Resource: Atlas of Women’s Cancers
- Dealing with change isn’t always easy
- One in two outdoor workers miss out on sun protection
- Prostate cancer survivors urged to increase physical activity
- Less frequent smokers still face double the risk of death
- Australian Resources for Indigenous peoples
- Programs for your patients – Treatment decisions
- HPCN Conferences and events
- Category: Health Professionals Cancer Network
- Category: letter to the Editor
- Peter Dornan AM named QLD Senior Australian of the Year
- Letter to the Editor: Will you help give more than hope this Daffodil Day?
- Letter to the Editor: Healthcare should be for all – everyone, everywhere
- Become a SunSmart school – protect children from harmful UV rays
- Letter to the Editor: Help us tackle tobacco
- Letter to the Editor: International Volunteer Day
- Hundreds of thousands of Australians exposed to cancer risk in their workplace
- Thank you for raising your cuppa for a cure
- Cancer Council turning the Sunshine State into a SunSmart State
- Sugary drinks a recipe for disaster – we can all cut down for better health
- Failure to introduce a sugary drink tax is no sweet deal
- Category: Men’s cancers
- Category: News
- Your donations help fund vital cancer research
- Help eliminate cervical cancer and save a friend’s life
- Some great news to lift your day!
- Unlocking the secrets of childhood cancer
- Sometimes the little things mean the most
- Need a healthy dinner idea?
- Stay safe in the sun with our free app
- Learning to relax
- We couldn’t do it without you
- 30 movies you’ll want to watch at your Girls’ Night In
- 20 Girls’ Night In ideas to help you throw a Pinterest-worthy party
- 10 quick and healthy Girls’ Night In snacks
- What kind of Girls’ Night In host are you?
- Tips for creating a healthy Girls’ Night In platter
- Category: Prevention
- Six tips to keep cool while exercising this summer
- Healthier Christmas cake recipe
- Lack of fibre in diets leading to increased bowel cancer cases
- Tips to help you host a healthy Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
- 5 ways to winter-proof your workout
- New research: Queensland a melanoma hot spot for young adults
- World Cancer Day: Cancer leaders call for equal access to reduce premature cancer deaths by 25%
- Category: Research
- Category: Retail
- Category: Risks
- Category: Social Media Campaign
- Category: Sun Smart
- Category: Support
- Category: Volunteer News
- Alumni News January 2019
- Volunteer Voice January 2019
- Volunteer Voice December 2018
- Volunteer Voice October 2018
- Meet William Bruce, Cancer Connect Volunteer
- Volunteer Voice August 2018
- Volunteer Voice
- Volunteer Voice
- Volunteer Voice
- Alumni Newsletter – Second Edition, March 2018
- Volunteer Voice March
- Volunteer Voice January
- Volunteer Voice December
- Volunteer Voice October
- Volunteer Voice September
- Volunteer Voice July
- Volunteer Voice June
- Volunteer Voice May
- Volunteer Voice April 2017
- Volunteer Voice March 2017
- Volunteer Voice February 2017
- Volunteer Voice – November
- HPV Vaccine has halved cervical cancer rates
- Daffodil Day – 30 years strong
- Volunteers helping Queenslanders access important resources
- Relay To Rio hits the track
- Meet Jenny, Cancer Connect Volunteer
- CCQ on the move in Mackay
- Flashback Friday
- Volunteers take part in skin cancer forum
- Beaudesert Branch celebrates 25 years of making a difference
- Share your why this National Volunteer Week
- What’s your why?…John’s Story
- Check out our latest volunteer opportunities
- You’re Invited to Australia’s Biggest BYO Morning Tea
- Meet Stephanie, Relay For Life Volunteer
- When will you pop the kettle on?
- CCQ helps to fund breast cancer breakthrough
- Stop sweating the small stuff
- Arthur thanks volunteers for support
- New menu labelling laws a win for public health
- Latest update from Jeff
- CCQ achieves government action on smoke-free spaces
- Christine Blunt – Global Hero of Hope Award Recipient
- Volunteers celebrate 25 years of the Gluyas Rotary Lodge
- All Queenslanders, All cancers: 2016 – 2020 Strategic Priorities.
- World Cancer Day: Volunteers Can
- Cancer nurse counsellors on call to help
- CCQ Volunteer wins Australia Day Award
- Community Impact Statement: How you made a difference in 2015
- I.T Volunteers helping create a cancer free future
- How many people does it take to make a difference?
- Category: Walk for Women's Cancers
- Category: Women’s cancers
- All about the Australian Cancer Atlas 2.0
- Important tips for protecting your skin this spring
- What is UV?
- Peter’s story
- Inside 13 11 20
- A donor’s story: Avril from Goondiwindi
- “Anyone can get it” - Nat’s Stage 4 Bowel Cancer Journey
- Unveiling the Secrets of Blood Cancers: A Quest for Improved Patient Outcomes
- Unlocking the Genetic Code: A Breakthrough in Skin Cancer Research for Queenslanders
- Revolutionising Ovarian Cancer Care through Nanodiagnostics Breakthrough
- Alice, 5, loses her eye due to rare childhood cancer
- Cancer Council Queensland welcomes Professor Sandi Hayes as new Director of Research
- Chemotherapy gave Sophia cancer, but she says “It’s easy to find the good”
- 6 Easy Steps for Navigating Hard Conversations about Childhood Cancer
- Donor profile: Peter Haeusler
- Staff profile: Robyn Fanning
- Next Generation Cancer Research Fellowships
- Spotlight on research: UNIQUE study
- Zombie survival and a courageous battle against cervical cancer
- Empowering cancer patients and carers through our lodges
- Reg Sutton: Strumming for a cause in Gladstone
- 9 budget-friendly gifts that support kids with cancer this Christmas
- The Darvell's story: true love is an action, not a feeling
- Wendy's story: cancer has changed me for the better
- Jenaya’s story: where there’s life, there’s joy
- David was diagnosed with prostate cancer the day before his 74th birthday
- Cancer survivor walks 7 countries & raises $10k
- Hayley Does It For Cancer and smashes fundraising goal
- Meeting other cancer patients was “the best tonic” Alan could ask for
- Margaret lights up the Cairns Lodge
- Cancer Council Queensland announces the next round of $4 million cancer research funding
- The Longest Day ProCrew Golf Event - Monday 13 December 2021
- 30 movies you'll want to watch at your Girls' Night In
- 10 quick and healthy Girls' Night In snacks
- Women supporting women: what Women’s Health Week is all about
- His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey shares a message of hope this Daffodil Day Appeal
- Bernardette shows her Flower Power
- Queenslanders are crying out for changes to smoke-free laws in multi-unit housing
- National Reconciliation Week: The importance of acting on health equality
- Meet Gabby, a Cancer Connect carer volunteer
- Five tips to have a healthy long weekend this Easter
- Cancer Council Queensland celebrates 60 years of spreading hope
- Karlie’s Ovarian Cancer Experience - Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
- Love is in the air this Valentine’s Day at Cancer Council Queensland
- Celebrate World Cancer Day
- Healthy lunch tips for healthy kids
- Cancer Council Queensland announce the next round of $4 million dollar cancer research grants targeting melanoma and ovarian cancer
- Alan and Glenice’s lodge story
- Meet Robyn, Volunteer at Icon Cancer Centre, Townsville
- Toowoomba friends share heartwarming story this Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- Ramp up your sun behaviour habits
- Helping women with cancer regain self-confidence
- Hope blooms in King George Square
- Spread hope this Daffodil Day!
- Jenny on self care and volunteering
- Your self care bank account
- Taking care of our bodies
- Healthy habits: Get creative with food each day of the week
- Making a difference this March
- Do you know the signs of ovarian cancer? They could save your life
- Put your best foot forward with Team CCQ – active events that’ll get you moving to make a difference
- Rotary Gluyas Lodge welcomes back familiar face after 28 years
- 2020 New Year’s resolutions to stick to all year round
- Coping with cancer over Christmas
- Make the sizzle swap for a healthier Boxing Day barbeque
- Curb the Christmas splurge with a healthy holiday season
- Show you care this Christmas with these SunSmart gift ideas
- Queensland couple says lodge “saved them”
- Tips to Implement Mindfulness into Your Everyday Routine
- Cervical cancer survivor celebrates five years cancer free
- Childcare centre embraces SunSmart message
- Lodge offers home-away-from-home for Hervey Bay cancer patient
- Breast cancer survivor shares powerful message of early detection
- Hosting a Girls’ Night In, your way!
- College community unites for Do It For Cancer fundraiser
- National Carers Week: Support for carers of cancer patients
- High five your veggie intake this National Nutrition Week
- Top 10 tips for improving mental health
- Your ultimate guide to hosting a Girls’ Night In
- Celebrating 20 years of the National SunSmart Program
- Beaudesert turns blue for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
- Be breast aware – it could save your life
- Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month
- Cancer diagnosis can impact mental health
- Spring clean your health this season
- Walking so Queensland women know they are not alone
- 2019 Daffodil Day Appeal
- Girls' Night In launches in Queensland
- Gympie family fight back against cancer at Relay For Life
- Meet Kieran Cahill, Cancer Connect Volunteer
- 21 and living with ovarian cancer
- Free support forum this World Head and Neck Cancer Day
- Where there's a Will, there's a way
- Daffodil Day Queen celebrates 25 years of volunteering
- Ward off the winter blues: five tips to stay on top of your health this winter
- New patient transport service launches in Townsville
- Winter warmer recipe
- Our work towards reconciliation
- Thank you from cancer patients and their families
- Changing lives, a kilometre at a time
- Volunteer Voice April 2019
- Meet Wendy Head, Cancer Connect volunteer
- Ask 13 11 20
- Research grants awarded to help find the next cancer breakthrough
- Life after cancer
- Volunteer Voice Feb 19
- Research update – Cervical cancer screening in Indigenous Australians