Alana adds spice to Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

Celebrity cook, TV presenter and writer Alana Lowes has spiced up the fight against cancer, signing on as national ambassador for Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.

Sharing a brand new beetroot hummus with cucumber recipe, Alana is encouraging all Queenslanders to mix it up in the kitchen to raise funds for Queenslanders this year.

“I’m proud and privileged to be involved as a national ambassador for an annual event that touches the lives of millions of Australians,” Alana said.

“Whether you normally bake a cake, buy something savoury or provide an entrée or nibbles – everyone can add something to a morning tea to help beat cancer this year.

“It’s easy to register to host an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea – whether at your workplace, home, or out at a café with friends and family.

“Think about mixing it up this year – try a new recipe, get into decorating or invite someone new.

“Hosting or attending a morning tea, and giving a donation, gives hope to the one in two Queenslanders who will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.”

All funds raised through Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea support Cancer Council’s vital work in cancer research, education programs and patient support services.

More than 5800 morning tea hosts from around Queensland will celebrate Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea and raise more than $2.8 million for cancer research, education programs and patient support services in 2016.

May 26 is the official tea party date, but events can be held anytime throughout May or June.

To register an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event, visit or call 1300 65 65 85 to receive your free Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea host kit today.

More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available at or via Cancer Council’s 13 11 20.


For more information or interviews, please contact:
Katie Clift,
Executive Manager,
Media and Spokesperson,
Cancer Council Queensland
Phone: (07) 3634 5372
Mobile: 0409 001 171