Australian Childhood Cancer Statistics Online

Australian Childhood Cancer Statistics Online provides recent incidence, survival and mortality data by sex and age group for the most common cancers among children in Australia. Information on changes in these measures over time are also presented.  

Data are sourced from the Australian Childhood Cancer Registry (ACCR), funded and managed by Cancer Council Queensland. For almost four decades, the ACCR has provided complete, population-wide information on childhood cancer in Australia for researchers, clinicians and families. It is one of the longest-running and most comprehensive databanks of childhood cancer in the world. 

The ACCR is a national resource and operates in collaboration with the Australasian Association of Cancer Registries, all Australian State and Territory population cancer registries, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, and paediatric oncology treating hospitals. Information held by the ACCR includes details of all children diagnosed with cancer in Australia aged under 15 years. Detailed and verified data are currently available for the period 1983 to 2020 for incidence and 1983 to 2019 for mortality. 

The purposes of the ACCR are to: 

  • facilitate epidemiologic and clinical research into this rare but significant disease;
  • produce and disseminate statistical information about childhood cancer in Australia;
  • facilitate national and international collaborative research to improve outcomes of childhood cancer in Australia.

A detailed description of the data sources and methods used are available here.

The data used to produce the graphs can be viewed by right-clicking anywhere in the graph and then selecting “Show Data”. 

If you require any further assistance regarding Australian Childhood Cancer Statistics Online, please contact us at

Stage at diagnosis
Suggested Citations

The collection of internationally consistent information on childhood cancer stage by population-based cancer registries is essential for epidemiologic analysis, international benchmarking and meaningful comparisons of childhood cancer incidence and outcomes. The Australian Childhood Cancer Registry has had a leading role in the development and testing of rules for the collection of childhood cancer stage by cancer registries.

This work was supported through a national initiative by Cancer Australia as part of an approach to improving national cancer data on stage, treatment and recurrence. Information on the distribution of cancer stage and survival by stage at diagnosis for childhood cancers has been published online by Cancer Australia as part of the National Cancer Control Indicators (available at the links below).

Distribution of childhood cancer stage -
Five-year observed survival by stage at diagnosis for childhood cancers -

Referencing the website

You are welcome to use the information contained in this website, provided the source is appropriately acknowledged. A suggested citation is:

Australian Childhood Cancer Registry, Cancer Council Queensland. Australian Childhood Cancer Statistics Online (1983-2020). CCQ: Brisbane, Australia; August 2023.