A chilly change in Queensland weather is on the way – make your dollar count by stocking up on Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea 2015 merchandise – it’ll give you the warm fuzzies!
Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is fast approaching, with all Queenslanders invited to pop the kettle on this May 28 and help tip the balance in the fight against cancer.
Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said a cup of tea was always a good idea – especially for such an important cause.
“If you’re cold – it will warm you, if you are heated – it will cool you, if you are feeling low – it will cheer you, and if you’re stressed – it will calm you. Better yet, you could enjoy a cup of tea to show you care about beating cancer,” Ms Clift said.
“This year a whole range of commemorative morning tea items are available for purchase, along with the official mug, the perfect accompaniment to your morning tea ceremony.”
Queenslanders can purchase a limited edition 2015 mug for $10, with funds raised supporting Cancer Council Queensland’s vital work in cancer research, education and patient support.
May 28 is the official tea party date, but events can be held anytime throughout May or June. If Queenslanders can’t host an event, they can show their support through purchasing merchandise, including a themed mug, apron ($20) or tea towel ($6), or making a donation.
Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said there has never been a better excuse to pop the kettle on and take some time out to help in the fight against cancer.
“More than 5600 morning tea hosts from around Queensland will gather in living rooms, community centres, schools and workplaces to celebrate Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea and raise more than $2.5 million for cancer research, education programs and patient support services in 2015,” Ms Clift said.
“So go on, order a fancy new mug, flick the kettle on and register to join the biggest tea party event of the year to help us reduce the impact of cancer on all Queenslanders!”
To purchase merchandise or register an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event, visit biggestmorningtea.com.au or call 1300 65 65 85.
Cancer Council Queensland is an independent, community-based charity, the achievements of which are made possible by the generosity of Queenslanders.
For more information about Cancer Council Queensland visit www.cancerqld.org.au or call Cancer Council’s 13 11 20.
For media interviews, please contact:
Katie Clift, Executive Manager, Media and Spokesperson, Cancer Council Queensland
P. (07) 3634 5372 M. 0409 001 171
For more information, please contact:
Kim Ryan, Senior Media Specialist, Cancer Council Queensland
P. (07) 3634 5239 M. 0488 0157 702