Welcome to Cancer Council Queensland’s Sponsor a Room Program
Our mission is to lead Queenslanders in a partnership against cancer.
We understand that collaboration with Queenslanders is crucial to achieving our mission, recognising we cannot address the challenges posed by cancer alone.
By 2030, over 350,000 Queenslanders will be living with cancer. Now, more than ever, we need your help to ensure that no one faces cancer alone, especially those in rural and regional areas who often struggle to access lifesaving treatment and vital support services.
Why Your Support Matters
Almost 50,000 Queenslanders living in regional areas are 4% less likely to survive cancer than those living in cities with many forced to postpone or refuse treatment due to limited or no access to vital support services.
Recognizing this pressing need, Cancer Council Queensland operates five cancer support centres across the state, located near treatment centres across metropolitan and regional areas. These centres offer critical services to individuals going through cancer, as well as their families and carers.
Demand for our services is rapidly increasing. Our Sponsor a Room program will allow individuals and organisations to partner with us in continuing to meet regional Queenslander’s needs.
Our Support Centres
We offer 95 comfortable self-contained units and studio-style apartments across our five centres. While staying with us, guests receive invaluable support services at no cost:
- Guidance from our Supportive Care Consultants
- Access to evidence-based cancer information
- Access to community activities
- Use of our Wig and Turban Service
- Referral to our psychological and financial counselling services
- Transport to and from our accommodation to nearby hospitals and/or treatment facilities
Our support centres allow patients and carers to focus on their treatment journey, without having to worry about additional stressors like extra costs and logistics or travelling to treatment.
Learn more about our lodges

Lodge Locations
Brisbane - Charles Wanstall Lodge
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Cairns - Marylyn Mayo Lodge
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Rockhampton - Central Queensland Cancer Support Centre
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Toowoomba - Olive McMahon Lodge
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Townsville - Gluyas Rotary Lodge
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How You Can Help
When you sponsor a room, you’re doing more than just providing a place to stay. You’re offering a lifeline to cancer patients and their loved ones during their most challenging time.
Your $10,000 gift sponsors a room of your choice at any of our support centres, for one year.
Your gift will enhance the amenities and services we offer at the support centre you’ve chosen, ensuring our guests’ comfort and access to vital support as they go through treatment.
Contact Us
Become a beacon of hope for cancer patients and their loved ones. Reach out today to find out how to sponsor a room in your nearest Cancer Council Queensland support centre.
Phone: 1300 663 936 Email: donorrelations@cancerqld.org.au
Spotlight on research: UNIQUE study
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