Information contained in this website
Queensland Cancer Statistics Online (QCSOL) provides information on cancer diagnoses, survival, deaths and prevalence by age and sex for 22 of the most common cancers in Queensland.
It was generated by the CCQ’s Cancer Research Centre and Information Technology groups. QCSOL uses the most recent data (up to December 31, 2021) available from the Queensland Cancer Register. The Register is managed by the Cancer Alliance Queensland on behalf of Metro South Hospital and Health Service for the Queensland Department of Health.
Navigating in QCSOL
- To view the site in full screen mode please click the button on the bottom right hand corner and to exit full screen mode press the Esc button.
- The landing page summarises the statistics for all cancers combined for Queensland. It also lists the top 5 cancer types commonly diagnosed, most common causes of cancer death, most prevalent cancer types and cancer types with the highest survival. It also summarises the recent trends over time in cancer diagnosis and deaths.
- Navigation through QCSOL is via the tabs above the charts and the cancer types in the drop down menu within each of the diagnoses, deaths, survival and prevalence pages.
- Additional selections are available for survival (sex) and prevalence (time interval). All graphs can be viewed by sex (male and/or female) or by persons.
- Hovering over graphs will highlight the y axis values
Data and methods
- Additional details regarding data sources, explanation of statistical terms and methods used, as well as the specific codes used for each cancer site, are available here.
- These are also available through the methods link in the main text.
Referencing the website
You are welcome to use the information contained in this website, provided the source is acknowledged. A suggested citation is:
Queensland Cancer Statistics On-Line, 2023. Viertel Cancer Research Centre, Cancer Council Queensland ( Based on data released by the Queensland Cancer Register (1982-2021; released January 2023).
Additional questions
If you have additional questions regarding QCSOL, please contact us at