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Chemotherapy services consultation workshop for consumers

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) in collaboration with the National Cancer Expert Reference Group (NCERG) are developing a resource to support the implementation of the National Safety and Quality Health Services (NSQHS) Standards (second edition) and improve the safety and quality of Chemotherapy Services. In addition, a Chemotherapy Clinical Governance Framework is being developed to support these improvements.
The Commission is conducting consultations nationally with clinicians, managers, consumers and others in chemotherapy services to better understand the Safety and Quality issues facing patients accessing chemotherapy services and to describe what good care looks like. The information gathered from the consultative workshops will be used to inform the NSQHS Standards implementation resources for chemotherapy services.
If you would like to participate at the consultation workshop and are:
Able to provide information on safety and quality in chemotherapy services, or
Part of a network associated with chemotherapy services and can contribute the views of others to the conversation or
Have recent and/or relevant experience of chemotherapy services as a patient, carer or family member or volunteer worker
To register or find out more visit https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/safety-and-quality-workshop-for-chemotherapy-services-consumer-consultations-qld-registration-49120472656
National Student Volunteer Week
August 14-19 marked National Student Volunteer Week. The theme of National Student Volunteer Week was Challenge – Change – Celebrate and we celebrated how volunteer work is creating change, a change that will challenge cancer and help save lives well into the future.

Limited edition Toowoomba cookbook

The Best Night In Cookbook is a tourist guide of food in Toowoomba. Marianne Harth, our Events Coordinator in Toowoomba devised the idea for this cookbook to raise money for the Girls’ Night In campaign and has her sights firmly set on raising $10,000. The aim is to sell 923 cookbooks.
A home away from home for lodge guests
For Jaeden, the thought of leaving her home in Mackay for six weeks to undergo radiation treatment was daunting, so staying at our Gluyas Rotary Lodge with her mum helped. She has kindly allowed us to share her feedback, so more people can learn about our support services.

“A home away from home; the unit is clean, comfortable and caters to all our needs. The staff offer great support to my mum and I. Thank you to Cancer Council Queensland for the support you have offered.
Five treatments down and 25 to go – I still have a journey ahead of me but like the song says, ‘life is a rollercoaster, you just have to ride it’.”
We’ll be here for Jaeden through her journey with cancer and if you speak with someone who requires support too, please inform them of the services of 13 11 20 who are available Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.
Transport to Treatment expands in Brisbane

The Transport to Treatment service, which currently operates in inner-city Brisbane, will now transport eligible cancer patients from their homes in North Brisbane to and from North Lakes and Redcliffe treatment centres, at no cost to the patient.
Icon Cancer Centre donated the vehicle for the service, giving practical assistance to patients struggling to access and afford transport options.
Cancer Council Queensland CEO Ms Chris McMillan said the charity was proud to partner with Icon Cancer Centre to expand the service.
“Providing adequate support services to cancer patients is a key part of our mission and this expansion enables us to reach out to even more people with practical solutions that make a difference,” Ms McMillan said.
“A cancer diagnosis can have a significant impact on an individual practically and financially, but this service will help ease the burden of transport and parking costs for those facing hardship.
“More than 10,100 people in the greater Brisbane region are diagnosed with cancer each year and need our support.”
Ms McMillan said the door-to-door service will be run entirely by volunteer drivers from Monday to Friday.
“Since the initial service launched in Brisbane, our volunteers have assisted cancer patients through 950 bookings, and covered over 22,500kms transporting patients to treatment,” Ms McMillan said.
“We simply could not do what we do without the spirit, determination, and enthusiasm of our volunteers – they are the heart of our work.
“Our transport volunteers help ensure that no one goes through cancer alone.”
84-year-old Brian Harris, Burpengary resident and local parish priest is looking forward to the introduction of this service.
Brian was diagnosed with recurrent bowel cancer earlier this year where he would go on to receive chemotherapy and radiation therapy at Icon Cancer Centre in North Lakes.
This treatment lasted several weeks, with radiation therapy treatment every day for five weeks. In that time, Brian was unable to travel to and from the centre independently.
“I was able to get to my first couple of appointments by myself, but after a few treatments, I began to feel nauseous and tired and realised I could no longer drive to and from my appointments,” he said.
“Thankfully, I could rely on my parish to get me to and from the centre, but many people unfortunately don’t have the means or support of family and friends for help like this.
“When you are getting treatment you already feel awful, and there are so many things to think about, so you don’t want to be worrying about how you are going to get there.
“If this service had been available to me, I would have definitely considered it. It’s simply wonderful to hear that cancer patients in the area will now have this option available to them.”
Icon Group CEO Mark Middleton welcomed the expansion and partnership.
“We are proud to have a long-standing relationship with Cancer Council who do incredible work to support cancer patients. A cancer diagnosis is a challenging and stressful time for patients and their families, so it is essential that patients have the choice to access the services they need within their community and support network,” Mr Middleton said.
“This transport program will help patients avoid arduous long journeys to distant health facilities and is another example of Icon’s commitment to ensuring that patients are able to have treatment close to home.”
Find out more about Transport to Treatment >>
Volunteer opportunities

Fundraising Support Volunteer, Brisbane -Fortitude Valley
We’re looking for volunteers with good communication skills and a friendly attitude, to join our supporter services team based in Fortitude Valley. This role involves calling some of our amazing donors to thank them for their efforts, ensuring they understand the importance of their contribution.
We are looking for a person with a polite, friendly and confident phone manner with well- developed communication and listening skills. The candidate will have an understanding on how to use a database and good attention to detail.
The Fundraising Support volunteer will have the opportunity to gain administration and public relations experience while working with a highly productive team. Please click here for more information
Relay For Life, Brisbane – Logan
Various roles:
Marketing and Promotions Coordinator
Entertainment and Activities Coordinator
Catering Coordiator
Please click here for more information
Relay For Life, Brisbane -Sunshine Coast
Various roles:
Committee Members
Marketing and Promotions Coordinator
Catering Coordinator
Please click here for more information
Events Assistant, Rockhampton
The Events Assistant Volunteer will provide support for administration, data management, volunteer engagement and donor care for our major fundraising events including Daffodil Day, Pink Ribbon Day, Do It for Cancer and Relay For Life.
Please click here for more information
Walk For Women’s Cancer on the day volunteer
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Buhk Park, Alexandra Headlands, Sunshine Coast
Event Commences 6.30am, Walk Commences 8am
Bump in: 5.30am – 7.55am. For volunteers who would like to participate in the walk.
Bump out: From 9am until 11.30am approx. – for volunteers who have participated but would like to walk
Entire Event: 5.30am to 11.30am
Positions available
- Event marshals / Pace setters (completes the walk)
- Staging assistance
- Events assistance
- Registration tent
- Merchandise tent
- Raffle ticket sales
To find out more and get involved contact Tara 0457 071 700 or 5451 6011
Volunteer Briefing to be held early September