Make the charge towards a healthier, happier you

If your New Year’s resolution to get fit has already come to a standstill – it’s time for a reboot!

Lace up to shape up and improve your health and wellbeing by joining Cancer Council in The March Charge.

The March Charge is a month-long challenge calling on Queenslanders to set a distance to cover throughout March, and walk or run to reach their goal.

Chargers are also encouraged to add a fundraising spin to their challenge and put their legs in motion to make a difference in the fight against cancer.

So, where do you start? Get ready to charge towards a healthier, happier you with our top tips:

1. Set an achievable goal. Start the charge by setting a goal that is attainable. This will help keep you motivated and prevent you feeling overwhelmed when clocking up kilometres. If you don’t do much exercise right now – make a commitment to walk at least 1km each day or double your daily steps to between 8000 and 10,000. If you’re already comfortable in activewear – push yourself to go a little further or faster each day. The same rule applies if you’re looking to lift your fitness level – set a goal to push yourself by increasing the level of intensity or duration of your workout.

2. Keep it consistent. Whether you choose to walk 30km throughout March, or run 100km, integrating exercise into your regular routine is a great way to stay on track. Research shows enthusiasm and endurance can diminish if you repeatedly postpone exercising, so keep it regular to improve your health and happiness.

3. Seek support. Finding the motivation to get active on your own can be a challenge. Enlist the help of a friend, family member or colleague to join you in The March Charge and double the fun factor. If you register as a team, you can even split the distance you cover and adopt a tag-team approach on clocking up those kilometres.

4. Refresh your diet. Complement your fitness plan with a healthy diet to boost your energy and simultaneously reduce your risk of chronic disease and some cancers. Opt for foods that are low in sugar, and pack your plate with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy options, and lean proteins and meat. For gals, the guidelines recommend five serves of vegetables and two serves of fruit a day, and for guys it’s six serves of vegetables and two serves of fruit to help ensure optimum health.

5. Raise funds. Ask your friends and family to sponsor you and help us give cancer a run for its money! All funds raised will be invested into lifesaving cancer research, prevention programs and support services for your local community. By taking part in The March Charge you’ll not only harness your own health and vitality, but raise hope for more than 27,000 Queenslanders diagnosed with cancer each year.

What are you waiting for? Take your mark, get set, and go for The March Charge!

Register for free at

More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available at or 13 11 20.

Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift

For more information or interviews, please contact:
Laura McKoy,
Media Manager,
Cancer Council Queensland
Phone: (07) 3634 5345
Mobile: 0428 580 363

Notes to editor:

  • The March Charge 2017 is a national fitness challenge that asks people to set a walking or running target to complete in the month of March and fundraise for Cancer Council.
  • Participants in The March Charge are called ‘Chargers’ and Chargers can participate as individuals, with a partner or in a team.
  • The campaign sits digitally and participants’ friends and family are encouraged to support to bring in donations.
  • The March Charge provides an opportunity for everyone, no matter what their fitness level, to get healthy and contribute to a cancer free future.
  • Funds raised from The March Charge help fund world-class cancer research, prevention and advocacy programs, and support services to help those affected by cancer.
  • In 2017, Cancer Council’s The March Charge aims to raise $1.1million nationally.