Each year Cancer Council Australia and the Australasian College of Dermatologists come together for National Skin Cancer Action Week, this year from November 19-25.
Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by age 70, and unfortunately Queenslanders are at the greatest risk as Queensland has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world.
The action week is an important reminder of sun protection and early skin cancer detection for all Australians.
More than 2,000 people in Australia die from skin cancer each year, and Cancer Council estimates that Australia spends more than $1 billion per year treating skin cancer, with costs increasing substantially over the past few years.
Yet most skin cancers can be prevented by the use of good sun protection.
To encourage Australians to remember to use the five forms of sun protection, we are inviting everyone to join the #SunSmartGeneration.
Today’s children have grown up with the SunSmart message and are our most sun savvy generation ever. Parents understand the importance of protecting their little one’s skin with rashies, hats, sunglasses, shade and sunscreen. However, it’s important that adults protect their own skin too. It’s never too late to prevent further damage and parents play an important role in setting a good example for their kids.
That’s why this National Skin Cancer Action Week, Australians of all ages are urged to use the five forms of sun protection. These are to:
- Slip on sun-protective clothing
- Slop on SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen
- Slap on a broad-brimmed hat
- Seek shade
- Slide on sunglasses.
A combination of these measures, along with getting to know your skin and regularly checking for any changes, are the keys to reducing your skin cancer risk.
To download the National Skin Cancer Action Week 2017 resources, visit: www.cancer.org.au/skinweek