Cancer Council Queensland has teamed up with the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) to offer locals the chance to have their skin photographed by a UV camera – giving a rare snapshot of an individuals accumulated sun damage.
The renowned UV camera will be set up at Cancer Council Queensland’s Sunshine Coast Retail Store at Big Top Market Fresh (Shop DA2, Duporth Avenue, Maroochydore) on December 1 from 10am-2pm.
The UV camera scans and captures skin damage and aging caused by over exposure to UV radiation, invisible to the naked eye.
Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift encouraged locals to take up the opportunity to have their skin photographed and visit the Retail Store on December 1.
“The UV camera offers a glimpse into how much damage can be caused by UV radiation, highlighting the importance of adequate sun protection,” Ms Clift said.
“Over exposure to UV can cause irreparable damage to the skin, and effect the health of skin in the short and long term.”
The UV camera was developed by world-leading researcher, Professor Michael Kimlin, Foundation Chair in Cancer Prevention for USC and Cancer Council Queensland.
Prof Kimlin, and his USC research staff, will be at the Sunshine Coast Retail Store on December 1 to meet with locals interested in having their skin photographed.
Each photograph will take around 10 minutes and participants will be given a copy to keep.
“The camera plays a key role in raising awareness of sun damage and gives Queenslanders a real depiction of the effect of accumulated damage due to sun exposure,” Prof Kimlin said.
“The camera does not depict, detect or diagnose any form of skin cancer. The UV spots are simply a way to show how our skin reacts to sun damage as a result of our genetic makeup, skin type, and accumulated sun exposure.”
Queenslanders can protect their skin by using all five recommended sun protective measures; slip on protective clothing, slop on SPF 30 or above broad-spectrum, water resistant sunscreen, slap on a broad-brimmed hat, seek shade and slide on wrap-around sunnies.
“Skin cancers and melanoma are predominantly caused by overexposure to UV radiation, so it’s imperative we’re doing all we can to protect our skin,” Ms Clift said.
“Queensland has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world – around 3600 melanoma and 324,000 non-melanoma skin cancers are diagnosed across the state each year.
“Sun protection is required when the UV Index is 3 and above. In Queensland, the UV Index is 3 and above all year round.
“It’s also important that Queenslanders get to know their own skin to help detect skin cancer early – if you notice a new spot or lesion, or a spot or lesion change in shape, colour or size – visit your GP immediately.”
This week Cancer Council Queensland’s Sunshine Coast Retail Store will also celebrate their one-year anniversary since opening in December 2015.
The store offers a wide range of sun protective products, including sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, cosmetics, and protective clothing for all ages.
For more information about Cancer Council Queensland, phone 13 11 20 or visit
For more information or interviews, please contact:
Laura McKoy, Media Manager
Ph: (07) 3634 5345 or 0428 580 363