Summer ending but Queenslanders still need ugly staple
Cancer Council gift guide: Survive the Christmas rush without the stress
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Slip, Slop, Slap for a sun safe school holiday
With tomorrow marking the last day of term three at schools across the State, Cancer Council Queensland is urging families to head into holidays the SunSmart way. On average around 56 per cent of adults and 64 per cent of children are sunburnt on an annual basis[1], increasing the risk of skin cancer later in…
Cancer Council reveals new Ugly Xmas Rashie design for summer 2017
Australia’s much-loved answer to the Ugly Xmas Sweater is back for 2017 – with a new, true-blue cockatoo design! Cancer Council’s 2017 limited edition Ugly Xmas Rashie, designed by Scody and featuring a cockatoo, is set to be another instant hit for the beach this summer. The Ugly Xmas Rashie first launched in 2015 and…
Understanding food labels
Can you judge a food by its label? Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift tells you how. Light, low or no cholesterol, fresh, Australian-made, baked not fried, reduced-fat, no sugar?! While food labels are a valuable source of information, they can sometimes appear cluttered and confusing, discouraging consumers from deciphering the pros and cons of…
Make a difference: brighten the lives of Queenslanders this Daffodil Day
It’s one of the most iconic fundraising events to hit Queensland streets, shopping centres and businesses – Daffodil Day (August 22), the day thousands of generous communities across the state make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. While purchasing a pen or bunch of yellow flowers may seem like a simple…
Make a date this Daffodil Day – wear a pin and show you care!
Every day in Australia, around 350 people are told they have a life-threatening cancer and sadly more than 115 people die of the disease. Cancer Council Queensland is calling on locals to make a date this Daffodil Day (August 22) to brighten the lives of Queenslanders impacted by cancer. This year, Cancer Council Queensland hopes…
Queensland shines ahead of states on vitamin D levels
Queensland has the lowest rate of vitamin D deficiency nationally, dispelling the common concern that we don’t get enough sunshine in winter. The latest Australian Health Survey from the Australian Bureau of Statistics found 94 per cent of the Queensland population have adequate vitamin D levels during summer and 85 per cent of the population…
Queensland: make your cuppa count today!
Pop the kettle on boil – it’s time for Queenslanders to make their cup count today (Thursday, May 22) at Cancer Council Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea events across the State. Thousands of Queenslanders will gather in living rooms, community centres, schools and workplaces to celebrate Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea today and help raise more than…
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