Cancer Council goes junk free this June!

Healthy Eating

Queenslanders will give up soft drinks, sugary treats and unhealthy indulgences next month to raise funds for Cancer Council through its newest campaign – Junk Free June!

Junk Free June is Australia’s healthiest new fundraiser, with all profits invested into Cancer Council Queensland’s vital work in cancer research, patient support services and prevention campaigns.

Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift encouraged Queenslanders to jump in and give up junk this June to support a good cause.

“The Junk Free June rules are simple – decide on a ‘junk food’ to give up, register online and get people to sponsor your efforts, raising funds for Cancer Council Queensland,” Ms Clift said.

“Everyone has their own ‘junk’ to give up – from soft drinks to chocolate, takeaway foods or snacks high in saturated fat, sugar or salt.

“Going junk free this June will benefit your personal health and wellbeing, and make a difference to the one in two Queenslanders who will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

“We know up to a third of all cancers are preventable through simple lifestyle changes including maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol and being active.

“Whether it’s cutting back on the sugar you put in your coffee, swapping a chocolate bar for a piece of fruit or limiting alcohol – there are simple ways every Queenslander can get involved.

“Giving up junk this June is also a fun way to get friends and family members healthy – you can participate as a group and pool your funds to make an even greater difference.”

More than 26,000 Queenslanders are diagnosed with cancer each year. About 8600, or a third, of these cases are preventable through healthy lifestyle choices.

Queenslanders can register and start fundraising now at – recipe ideas and handy hints are available on the website throughout the month.

Junk Free June also offers prizes for participants – the more money Queenslanders raise for Cancer Council, the more prizes they unlock and gain access to.

“Why not set a goal to incorporate more physical activity during June too?” Ms Clift said.

“Many Queenslanders aren’t offsetting the extra kilojoules they’re eating, which can increase the risk of overweight and obesity.

“Aim to get moving for your health this month – join a gym, find a workout buddy and aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every day for overall health.”

More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available at or 13 11 20.


For more information or interviews, please contact:
Katie Clift,
Executive Manager,
Media and Spokesperson,
Cancer Council Queensland
Phone: (07) 3634 5372
Mobile: 0409 001 171