Queenslanders impacted by prostate cancer are being urged to reach out for support today, Cancer Council Queensland’s annual prostate cancer call-in day.
The 13 11 20 call-in coincides with Prostate Cancer Awareness Month this September.
Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said today’s call-in would assist men and their families to cope with prostate cancer.
“Men, their partners, and their families are encouraged to talk to one of our experienced professionals for information and advice on the practical, emotional and psychological impacts of prostate cancer,” Ms Clift said.
“The disease can take a devastating toll on men, who can experience incontinence, impotence, fatigue, anxiety and distress following a diagnosis and treatment.
“Whether you have a practical concern, require psychosocial support or simply need a listening ear to talk through your challenges and experiences, our 13 11 20 team is here to assist.
“The call-in is also open to loved ones – if you’re concerned about the men in your life, help and understanding is only a phone call away.”
Only one in four calls to Cancer Council’s 13 11 20 are from men, and only 19 per cent of family, friends or carers called with concerns about the men in their lives.
“It’s important that men affected by cancer feel comfortable reaching out for support when they need it most,” Ms Clift said.
“Today’s prostate cancer call-in aims to empower men to improve their quality of life after prostate cancer, by accessing information, resources, and referrals to specialised services.
“13 11 20 can connect those affected by cancer with nurse counsellors and access to a free statewide cancer counselling service, staffed by qualified psychologists.”
Around 4000 Queensland men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year – one in five in their lifetime.
“13 11 20 is available all year round to support all Queenslanders affected by all cancers, whether a person has been newly diagnosed or is adjusting to life after treatment,” Ms Clift said.
Cancer Council’s 13 11 20 is a toll-free landline call from anywhere in Queensland.
Since January, more than 11,000 calls have been made to Cancer Council’s 13 11 20, which runs from Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm (excluding public holidays).
Call 13 11 20 or visit cancerqld.org.au for more information.
For more information or interviews, please contact:
Katie Clift, Executive Manager, Media and Spokesperson, Cancer Council Queensland
Ph: (07) 3634 5372 or 0409 001 171