Pop the kettle on boil – it’s time for Queenslanders to make their cup count today (Thursday, May 22) at Cancer Council Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea events across the State.
Thousands of Queenslanders will gather in living rooms, community centres, schools and workplaces to celebrate Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea today and help raise more than $2.5 million for cancer research, education programs and patient support services.
Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said there has never been a better excuse to pop the kettle on and enjoy a cuppa for a great cause.
“Around 24,000 Queenslanders will be diagnosed with cancer this year – let’s show our support by popping the kettle on with our friends, family and workmates and raising vital funds,” Ms Clift said.
“Together we can beat cancer. Nationally, Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is enjoyed by more than a million people each year and collectively, over two decades of tea partying, the event has raised around $110 million for the fight against cancer.”
Today, Thursday, May 22 is the official tea-party date, however morning teas can be held any time throughout May or June.
With the generous support of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea fundraisers, Cancer Council has contributed over half a billion dollars to cancer research and continues to beat cancer every day through prevention, support, research, advocacy and information services.
To register an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event, visit biggestmorningtea.com.au or call 1300 65 65 85 to receive your free Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea host kit.
Cancer Council Queensland is an independent, community-based charity, the achievements of which are made possible by the generosity of Queenslanders.
For more information about Cancer Council Queensland visit www.cancerqld.org.au or call the Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20.
For interviews, please contact:
Katie Clift, Head of Media and Spokesperson, Cancer Council Queensland
P. 3634 5372 or M. 0409 001 171
For more information, please contact:
Kim Ryan, Senior Media Advisor, Cancer Council Queensland P. (07) 3634 5239 M. 0488 015 702