Dear Editor,
I write to commend the State Government on their announcement to make an additional 100,000 free and discounted car parking spaces available at public hospitals each year to help Queenslanders in need.
The $7.5 million boost, which is part of a four-point action plan, will significantly advance our efforts to better support Queensland cancer patients and reduce the financial burden of cancer on those affected.
We commend Health and Ambulance Services Minister Cameron Dick for his work on this initiative, which will improve access to world-class care in Queensland hospitals.
This investment is an important step towards improving affordable access to treatment for people in financial hardship or who face multiple significant barriers to treatment, such as geographic distance.
Many cancer patients will experience psychological distress and financial hardship as a result of their diagnosis and treatment. Their families, friends, and communities will also be affected.
Regional and disadvantaged communities are particularly vulnerable and are disproportionately impacted, making it imperative that cancer service systems are responsive to both the clinical and practical needs of all those impacted by cancer.
Cancer Council Queensland has just completed a community-wide survey on out-of-pocket costs – the findings will be released soon and highlight that the cost of transport and car parking are a major concern for many patients, carers and their families.
Affordable access to world-class cancer care remains among the highest priorities for Cancer Council Queensland, to ensure all Queenslanders have the best possible prospects for preventing cancer, detecting it early, and surviving it if a diagnosis should occur.
I take this opportunity to acknowledge with appreciation the Palaszczuk Government’s commitment to cancer control and look forward to continuing our joint work towards a cancer-free future.
We all have a role to play in cancer control, and we applaud this announcement.
Ms Chris McMillan
CEO, Cancer Council Queensland
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