Dear Editor,
Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be an extremely distressing time for those diagnosed and their family – but when coupled with financial uncertainties those stresses can escalate.
Cancer Council Queensland has launched a Queensland-first survey to better understand the crippling financial burden faced by thousands of families every year.
Our latest Everyday Health Survey ‘Health System Quality & Costs – How High is the Burden?’, is surveying patients and carers across the state to measure the financial impact of a cancer diagnosis and treatment.
The results of the survey will enable us to find practical solutions to help all Queenslanders affected by all cancers overcome the financial burden associated with a diagnosis.
We want to hear from everyday Queenslanders, like you, who have experienced cancer as a patient or a carer and have been impacted financially.
Whether your employment status changed as a result of a diagnosis, parking costs made it hard to attend appointments, or medical costs were a stretch, your voice matters.
Will you share your experience? If more people share their experience, we’ll have a better chance of fully understanding how financial challenges can influence treatment options and outcomes.
More than 27,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year in Queensland – we’re dedicated to reducing the burden of cancer on those affected.
With your support, we will continue to advocate for change across the state and provide for people in need.
If you’re a Queenslanders aged 18 and over who has experienced cancer as a patient or carer, please complete our Everyday Health Survey at before June 9.
All responses are anonymous and confidential.
For more information about Cancer Council Queensland, visit or phone 13 11 20.