Cancer Council awards $2 million of research grants in Queensland

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Cancer Council awards $2 million of research grants in Queensland

Cancer Council will announce a $2 million investment in cancer research projects across Queensland over two years, as it reveals its 2017/18 research grant recipients today.

10 researchers from seven leading institutions will receive $200,000 over two years toward their projects, set to improve treatment options and quality of life for Queenslanders diagnosed with cancer.

From genetic associations with prostate cancer to reducing infection in blood cancer patients and understanding skin cancer, the research grants will fund world-leading studies into various types of cancer.

Cancer Council Queensland CEO Professor Jeff Dunn AO said more Queenslanders were surviving cancer than any other time in history, thanks to advances in cancer research and treatment options.

“Investment in innovative, cutting-edge, ground-breaking research in Queensland is vital to improve survival rates for all types of cancer,” Prof Dunn said.

“Cancer Council proudly funds more cancer research than any other independent community-based charity in Queensland.

“We recognise the urgent need for greater investment into local research projects that will influence clinical trials and treatments for Queenslanders diagnosed.

“Congratulations to our grant recipients from Griffith University, University of Queensland, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, UQ Diamantina Institute, James Cook University, QUT and Bond University.

“We are excited to see the outcomes of these research grants over time, giving hope to more than 26,000 Queenslanders who are diagnosed with cancer every year.”

The Cancer Council 2017/18 research grants will be invested in projects that examine stem cell transplantation, squamous cell carcinoma, liver cancer, non-melanoma skin cancer, chemotherapy side effects and more.

More than 26,000 Queenslanders are diagnosed with cancer each year, and about 8600 die from the disease.

A full list of Cancer Council’s 2017/18 research grants is available online at

More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available on 13 11 20 or

For more information or interviews, please contact:
Katie Clift,
Executive Manager,
Media and Spokesperson,
Cancer Council Queensland
Phone: (07) 3634 5372
Mobile: 0409 001 171


CCQ Project Grants 2017/18

CIA Institution Project Title
Dr Li Zhang Griffith University Prevention of central venous catheter infection and occlusion by needleless connector design and disinfection in haematology-oncology patients
Dr Antiopi Varelias QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute Understanding the interplay between cytokines and intestinal dysbiosis following stem cell transplantation
Prof Alpha Yap The University of Queensland Down-regulation of RhoA signaling mediates HGF/MET-induced tumour progression
Dr James Wells The University of Queensland Memory CD8+ T-cell function in squamous cell carcinoma
Dr Siok-Keen Tey QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute Treatment of chronic graft-versus-host disease with regulatory T cell-directed therapy — insights from gene-marking
A/Prof Kiarash Khosrotehrani UQ Diamantina Institute Predictors of mortality in thin melanomas
Dr Lionel Hebbard James Cook University Clarifying the controversial role of fructose in liver cancer
Dr Graham Leggatt The University of Queensland Local targeting of immunomodulatory molecules on CD8 T cells in non-melanoma skin cancer
Dr Jyotsna Batra Queensland University of Technology Genetic association study of miRSNPs with risk and prognosis of prostate cancer
Prof Elizabeth Isenring Bond University Supplemental Prophylactic Intervention for Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Emesis (SPICE) trial