Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea at Parliament House

Today party politics will be put aside for the sake of charity, the pouring of tea and a bite to eat, with an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea to be held at Queensland’s Parliament House.

Over 30 members of Parliament will attend the event in a show of support for Cancer Council’s lifesaving work in cancer research, prevention programs and support services.

Cancer Council Queensland CEO Ms Chris McMillan will host the event and Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Steven Miles will be a guest speaker.

At the event there will also be a giant Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea mug that has been travelling across the state for over a month to raise awareness for the fundraising campaign.

Media are invited to attend for photo, filming and interview opportunities:
What: Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea at Queensland’s Parliament House
When: Thursday, May 2, 11.15am-12.00pm
Where: The Lucinda Bar, Parliament House, George St (enter via Annexe on Alice St)
Who: Over 30 members of Parliament, including Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Steven Miles, and Cancer Council Queensland representatives
Contact: CCQ Public Relations and Social Media Manager Lisa Maynard M. 0488 015 702

Cancer Council Queensland CEO Ms Chris McMillan said every cup raised for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea made a difference.

“One in two Queenslanders will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. We can all do something to help those affected,” Ms McMillan said.

“We are grateful so many members of Parliament are raising a cuppa for the cause and our hope is that this event will inspire countless Queenslanders to host their own Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea this May.

“An Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea can be a simple morning tea in the office with workmates, at home with friends or family, in the community or at school.”

Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Steven Miles said cancer imposes an enormous burden on people, their families, the community as well as the health system.

“Cancer is an insidious disease and will touch most Queenslander’s lives in some way or another,” Mr Miles said.

“The screening programs for breast, cervical and bowel cancers are helping to improve the health outcomes of Queenslanders through early detection.

“But only about half of the target age groups are participating in the national screening programs — 56 percent for breast screen, 53 percent for cervical cancer screening and lower at 40 percent for bowel cancer screening.

“The work of the Cancer Council Queensland makes a significant difference in people’s lives.

“Many Queenslanders rely on and value the information, advice and support they, or their family members, receive through Cancer Council Queensland in the most difficult of times.

“The charity also supports vital cancer research and clinical trials that work towards achieving a cancer free future.”

Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is the largest and most successful event of its kind in Australia.

The official day to host an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea in 2019 is Thursday, May 23, however anyone can host a morning tea anytime during May or June.

To register to host an event, or donate, visit or call 1300 65 65 85.


For more information, or interviews, media can contact:

Lisa Maynard, Public Relations and Social Media Manager, Cancer Council Queensland
Ph: (07) 3634 5171 or 0488 015 702

For more information on Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea or to register to host an event, members of the general public should call 1300 65 65 85.