Queensland blokes – get your beard on!

Cancer Council is calling all Queensland men to ‘get their beard on’ as it launches its latest fundraising campaign, Beard150, this Men’s Health Week!

Beard150 calls on more than 150 men to grow a beard and raise funds for men’s cancers over 150 days, in the hope of raising more than $150,000.

More than 13,400 Queensland men will be diagnosed with cancer this year alone – almost 4000 with prostate cancer, 1800 with melanoma and 1600 with bowel cancer.

Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said one in two Queensland men would be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

“Nearly 4500 men die from cancer in Queensland each year – we need to do more to improve survival rates and support all men affected,” Ms Clift said.

“Beard150 is a unique fundraising campaign making the most of the trend of the moment – beards!

“Men are invited to grow their beard in any shape or length – we’ve already seen some colourful beards, crazy beard designs, flowers woven into beards and even knitted beards!

“You can also donate to the cause directly, sponsor a loved one to grow a beard, or pledge to shave or colour your own beard to raise funds too!

“There’s no better fundraiser to sign up to during Men’s Health Week – go on, get your beard on for your fathers, brothers and mates – grow your own just the way you like it!”

The Beard150 team will also run ‘Beard150 – making a difference’ events bringing blokes touched by cancer together to watch the footy, go fishing, or just spend a day hanging out to make life a little easier.

Beard150 is part of Cancer Council Queensland’s I Can Go Blue for Cancer campaign, calling on all Queenslanders to do what they can to help fight men’s cancers.

“This week is also a great time to say ‘I Can Go Blue for Cancer’ and support all men affected by holding a blue event at work, home or with friends or family,” Ms Clift said.

“Going blue to raise funds for men’s cancers can be as easy as having a blue-dress day at work, a healthy BBQ, backyard cricket or a round of golf and just collecting a donation on the day.”

To Go Blue for cancer this Men’s Health Week, visit www.icanforcancer.org.au/go-blue or call 1300 65 65 85.

More information about Beard150 is available via www.beard150.com, Instagram or facebook.com/beard150.

More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available at www.cancerqld.org.au or Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20.

For more information or interviews, please contact:

Katie Clift, Executive Manager, Media and Spokesperson, Cancer Council Queensland

Ph: (07) 3634 5372 or 0409 001 171