Cancer Council is calling on Queenslanders to get the girls together this October in support of the 11 women who are diagnosed with a breast or gynaecological cancer every day.
Cancer Council’s Girls’ Night In draws on the power and impact of female friendships to raise vital funds and awareness for all women’s cancers.
Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said from pyjama parties to pot luck dinners, bake offs and movie nights – every Queenslander could get involved.
“Women have never needed an excuse to get together, but if ever there was one – Girls’ Night In is it!” Ms Clift said.
“Girls’ Night In events can be as big or small as you would like – we’re expecting about 3000 pamper parties, clothes swaps, cooking nights or games nights this year in Queensland alone.
“Spend a night in with your girlfriends and donate what you would have spent on a night out to Cancer Council Queensland.
“All funds raised will be invested in vital cancer research, patient support services and prevention programs for women affected by breast and gynaecological cancers.”
One in six Queensland women will be diagnosed with a women’s cancer in their lifetime – around 4000 women this year alone.
Around 3000 Queensland women are diagnosed with breast cancer annually, and about 1000 are diagnosed with an ovarian, cervical, vaginal, vulva or uterine cancer.
“Girls’ Night In is also an opportunity for women to get together and talk about their health,” Ms Clift said.
“From sharing healthy recipes to fitness tips, checking up on cancer screening and sharing personal stories – we want women to connect over their health and wellbeing this month.
“Girls’ Night In is as much about raising awareness of your health as it is about raising funds.”
Cancer Council Girls’ Night In aims to raise $1.4 million through 3000 hosts in Queensland in 2016.
For more information, visit or call 1300 65 65 85.
More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available at or Cancer Council’s 13 11 20.
For more information or interviews, please contact:
Executive Manager,
Media and Spokesperson,
Cancer Council Queensland
Phone: (07) 3634 5372
Mobile: 0409 001 171