Tag: healthy living
June 19, 2018
June 19, 2018
Around 18 per cent of all bowel cancer cases could be prevented if Queenslanders... View More
March 13, 2018
Sugary drinks a recipe for disaster – we can all cut down for better health
March 13, 2018
It’s no secret that we shouldn’t be drinking sugary drinks. As more ... View More
February 13, 2018
Queenslanders urged to choose healthy food delivery options for better health
February 13, 2018
A surge in the use of food delivery apps is making it easier for Queenslanders t... View More
What does 5 serves of veggies and 2 of fruit a day really mean?
What’s a key part of a nutritious diet? Most of us can automatically recite the answer: fruits and vegetables. And yet research shows when it comes to eating the daily recommended amount of produce, most Queensland adults simply don’t. Only seven per cent of adults eat the recommended five serves of vegetables per day, while…
Back to school: Cancer Council calls for kids to hop, skip, jump for better health
Cancer Council Queensland is calling on teachers and parents to help children avoid a sedentary slump and get active, as thousands head back to school today. Research shows just 45 per cent of children are active for the recommended one hour a day, putting their short and long-term health at risk. Cancer Council Queensland CEO…
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