Posts By: Cancer Council Queensland

SunSmart Shade Creation Initiative keeps kids safe from the sun

Already 105 Queensland schools, childcare centres, community or sporting clubs have benefited from new shade structures as part of the 2018 SunSmart Shade Creation Initiative, with applications for a new round of funding now open. The initiative, led by the Queensland Government and Cancer Council Queensland, enables not-for-profit organisations catering for children 0-18 years to apply for up…

Volunter Voice September 2018

Message from Cindy Welcome to the September edition of Volunteer Voice! Spring is here, and to enter this season in full bloom, I am excited to share our Daffodil Day highlights with you. This year, the event celebrated 32 years of turning Australia yellow, 32 years of raising funds for vital cancer research! On the…

Chemotherapy and radiation in childhood can cause rare cancer

Australian children diagnosed with cancer and treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy are around 50 times more likely to be diagnosed with a secondary therapy-related cancer, compared to the general population. New research by Children’s Health Queensland and Cancer Council Queensland, found that childhood cancer survivors had a significantly higher risk of being diagnosed with…

Prostate cancer: What you need to know

Cancer Council Queensland CEO Ms Chris McMillan is encouraging men to get informed about prostate cancer. September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and Cancer Council Queensland is urging men to help raise awareness of the disease and better understand their risk to help detect it early. Ensure you are informed by reading the below five…

Alumni August 2018

Welcome to the third edition of our Friends of CCQ newsletter. It’s already September and we have some great achievements to celebrate! May saw thousands of Queenslanders pop the kettle to celebrate 25 years of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. In total we raised over two million dollars, thanks to our volunteers and supporters. One year…

Volunteer Voice August 2018

Chemotherapy services consultation workshop for consumers The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) in collaboration with the National Cancer Expert Reference Group (NCERG) are developing a resource to support the implementation of the National Safety and Quality Health Services (NSQHS) Standards (second edition) and improve the safety and quality of…

Cervical cancer patients with multiple health conditions face lower chance of survival

Women who are unwell or have other diseases when diagnosed with cervical cancer are more likely to die from their cancer diagnosis, than women who have better overall health. Despite most health issues not being linked to the cancer itself, new research from Cancer Council Queensland, in collaboration with Menzies School of Health Research, shows…

30 movies you’ll want to watch at your Girls’ Night In

If you’ve been run off your feet all week, a Girls’ Night In movie night – complete with a pile of blankets, snacks and your besties – is the only answer. So, call up your friends, buy some popcorn and spend a night in, donating what you would have on a night out to our…

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