Search: small cell lung cancer

News: New Cancer Council cosmetics tackle premature aging and skin cancer risk

…a GP immediately. More information about Cancer Council Queensland, and being SunSmart, is available at or by calling Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20. Products can be purchased online at or through the Cancer Council Queensland SunSmart Shop,…

Blog: Cancer Council Queensland announces the next round of $4 million cancer research funding

cancer research in areas of need Develop the capacity of high-quality cancer research groups in Queensland. To find out more about the latest cancer research projects conducted and funded by Cancer Council Queensland, click here. Cancer Council Queensland is an…

News: Regional cancer patients are being short changed: Cancer Council calls on State Government to take action

Cancer Council Queensland has called on the State Government to overhaul the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme, following a scathing report by the Queensland Ombudsman. Cancer Council CEO, Ms Chris McMillan, said hundreds of cancer patients were being short-changed by the…

News: Cancer Council Queensland CEO: My vision for a cancer free future

…will save lives. To support the work of Cancer Council Queensland, visit We’re here for all Queenslanders, all cancers. Simply call 13 11 20 to talk to our team. Ms Chris McMillan CEO, Cancer Council Queensland   For more…

News: New childhood cancer research examines stage of cancer at diagnosis

cancers in Australia: a population-based study’ was published in Cancer Epidemiology and the paper ‘Stage at diagnosis for children with blood cancers in Australia’ was published by the journal Pediatric Blood & Cancer. This work was supported by Cancer Australia…

News: Cancer Council calls on women to get cancer screening rates on target

cancer cases in Australia.” Cancer Council Queensland recommends all Queensland women undertake recommended screening for all cancers. “Early detection is crucial in the fight against cancer, and in improving female cancer survival rates,” Ms Clift said. “Talk to your GP…

News: Cancer an environmental disease: World Cancer Atlas

…help beat cancer at More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available via Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20 or For more information or interviews, please contact: Katie Clift, Executive Manager, Media and Spokesperson, Cancer Council Queensland Ph:…

urothelial carcinoma

Cancer that occurs in urothelial cells. It can start in the renal pelvis of the kidney, the ureter or the bladder. Sometimes called transitional cell carcinoma (TCC)….

hormone receptors

Proteins in a cell that bind to specific hormones.

targeted therapies

Treatments that attack specific weaknesses of cancer cells while sparing healthy cells. These treatments use drugs or other substances to selectively target proteins or other molecules involved in cancer cell growth. Two types of targeted therapies are drug therapies and…