Search: palliative treatment

Research snapshot – Life expectancy changes after cancer by geographic location Kou 2020

…Queensland. Those who lived in more socioeconomically disadvantaged areas and those areas more than an hour travel from the closest radiation treatment facilities, had higher LOLE than those in the rest of the state. For cancer patients diagnosed in 2016,…

alternative therapies

Unproven therapies that are used in place of conventional treatment, often in the hope that they will provide a cure.


An anti-oestrogen hormone treatment….


A doctor who specialises in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions, including melanoma.


A diagnostic x-ray machine that is used to ensure the correct alignment of the treatment beam with the tumour….


A patient who is not hospitalised overnight but who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated facility for diagnosis or treatment….


When a woman stops having periods (menstruating) and can’t become pregnant anymore. This can happen naturally or because of treatment….


A form of treatment in which needles or probes are inserted into the cancer to destroy the cancer cells by passing microwave or radio waves into the cancer.


A hormone produced by the ovaries that prepares the lining of the uterus (endometrium) for pregnancy. Also used as a hormone treatment….


The prevention or treatment of disease using substances that alter the immune system’s response. This is a type of biological therapy.