Search: hormone treatment

adjuvant therapy

A treatment given with or shortly after another treatment to enhance its effectiveness.

personalised medicine

The application of the right treatment for the right patient, at the right dose, and at the right time. Also known as individualised treatment….


When a person does not receive immediate treatment, but instead has their health monitored regularly, with the option of future treatment if necessary….

Research snapshot – Life expectancy changes after cancer by geographic location Kou 2020

…Queensland. Those who lived in more socioeconomically disadvantaged areas and those areas more than an hour travel from the closest radiation treatment facilities, had higher LOLE than those in the rest of the state. For cancer patients diagnosed in 2016,…

palliative care specialist (physician)

A doctor who has specialised in the field of palliative medicine, prescribing medical treatment for pain and other symptoms, as well as supporting and advising the other members of the palliative care team, the patient, family and carers….

Cancer tests

Your doctors will run a number of tests to get a diagnosis, see if the cancer has spread to other parts of your body and develop a treatment plan. The tests you have will depend on the type of cancer…

Health Professional Cancer Network

Health professionals play a key role in cancer control through cancer prevention, early detection, cancer diagnosis and treatment, survivorship and palliative care. Cancer Council Queensland aims to reduce the incidence of cancer, to diagnose cancer early, and enhance the standard of care for people impacted by cancer by engaging with health professionals and providing access to information and educational opportunities.

…Network, we can connect you with the right support at the right time for you and your patients. Whether you’re a specialist practitioner working in acute treatment facilities, a nursing professional with a community health provider, or you’re a general…

prostate specific antigen (PSA)

A protein produced by prostate cells. It may indicate prostate cancer and can be used to monitor its recurrence post treatment….


A psychologist or psychiatrist who has special training and experience in the treatment of psychosocial aspects of cancer….

News: Volunteers celebrate 25 years of the Gluyas Rotary Lodge

…it opened in 1991, the Gluyas Rotary Lodge has provided vital access to life saving treatment and support services for more than 5000 regional Queenslanders. CCQ’s six lodges statewide are vital to cancer control – helping us address geograghic barriers…