Search: hormone treatment

hormone treatment

A treatment that blocks the body’s natural hormones that help cancer grow, which is used when the cancer is growing in response to hormones. Also called hormone therapy.

hormone therapy

A treatment that blocks the body’s natural hormones that help cancer grow. Also called hormone treatment.

luteinising hormone-releasing hormone (LHRHa)

A hormone that helps control the production of testosterone.

hormone receptors

Proteins in a cell that bind to specific hormones.

hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Drug therapy that supplies the body with hormones that it no longer produces naturally.

androgen deprivation therapy

A treatment that blocks the body’s natural hormones that help cancer grow. Also called hormone therapy or hormone treatment.


A hormone produced by the ovaries that prepares the lining of the uterus (endometrium) for pregnancy. Also used as a hormone treatment….


An anti-oestrogen hormone treatment….

active treatment

Treatment given to cure the cancer, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. This does not include long-term treatment such as hormone medication, which may be taken for several years to maintain remission.

oestrogen receptor positive (ER+)

Breast cancer cells that have a receptor protein to which oestrogen will attach. Breast cancer cells that are ER+ depend on the hormone oestrogen to grow….