Search: faecal occult blood test (FOBT)

sputum cytology test

Examination of sputum under a microscope to look for cancer cells….

News: Queensland kids fail the fruit and veg test

New figures show 95 per cent of Queensland children don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, putting their short and long term health at serious risk. The latest results from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s National Health Survey show only 4.3…

News: Community cervix announcement: new test will save lives

…the test, giving themselves the best possible chance of detecting cancer early. “The test will be available for women aged 25 – 74, based on evidence that screening is much less effective in women under the age of 25 years….

Test Page For Revisions

testing – this shouldn’t show straight away…

News: New blood cancer study: Burden of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms in Australia revealed

…specific gene mutations in MPNs have only been identified in the last decade and we now have tests for these genes; this has meant that many of the cases of MPN are diagnosed with blood tests and are not always…

Blog: Unveiling the Secrets of Blood Cancers: A Quest for Improved Patient Outcomes

…everyone diagnosed with myeloid blood cancers. Her work, “Identifying vulnerabilities in leukemic stem cells with poor prognostic mutations to improve myeloid blood cancer patient outcomes,” seeks to unravel the complexities of gene mutations that determine a patient’s risk of disease…

Community Activities

Community activity programs   Cancer Council Queensland’s community activity programs were ceased following the spread of COVID-19 in Queensland. The programs and community activities are presently being reviewed. When the review has been completed further information will be available here…

cancer of unknown primary

Cancer is found in the body but the location where the cancer first started growing (the primary site) cannot be determined. Also called cancer of occult primary.

tumour markers

Chemicals produced by cancer cells and released into the blood. These may suggest the presence of a tumour in the body. Markers can be found by blood tests or by testing tumour samples….

central venous access device (CVAD)

A type of thin plastic tube inserted into a vein. The CVAD gives access to a vein so blood or chemotherapy can be given, and blood can be taken. Types of CVADs include central lines, Hickman lines, peripherally inserted central…