New cancer nurse counsellors on call to help

Queenslanders impacted by cancer can call a new nurse counselling service for support, following the launch of Queensland’s first telephone-based Nurse Counsellor Service by Cancer Council Queensland.

The service was launched in response to evidence that distressed patients and carers could benefit significantly from a single phone counselling session with a nurse.

Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said the service would improve quality of life for those struggling with a cancer diagnosis.

“This new service means that patients and their loved ones can connect with a specialist nurse counsellor simply by picking up the phone,” Ms Clift said.

“For many people, just one session with a nurse counsellor can help a person to cope better with the psychological and emotional challenges that often come with a cancer diagnosis.

“The service offers specialised support, empowering callers with self-help strategies to adjust to life during and after cancer.

“Callers can also be referred to see a psychologist face-to-face if they need additional support.”

Calls to the service since its launch in 2015 have been strong.

“Nearly four out of five Queenslanders affected by cancer don’t seek out the care and support they need after treatment,” Ms Clift said.

“Almost all survivors experience one or more emotional concerns after treatment, and most do not access help with coping.

Depression, grief and identity, and a fear of cancer recurring are among the most prevalent emotional issues that Queensland cancer survivors face.

“Our Nurse Counselling Service is now just a phone call away, via referral through 13 11 20, and can make all the difference in helping Queenslanders to cope.”

The service is available during weekday business hours by calling 13 11 20.

More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available at or Cancer Council’s 13 11 20.


For more information or interviews, please contact:

Katie Clift,

Executive Manager,

Media and Spokesperson,

Cancer Council Queensland

Phone: (07) 3634 5372

Mobile: 0409 001 171

*Yearbook 2015, Progress in Australian Regions, Australian Government, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development.