More than 62 per cent of Brisbane adults weighed in as overweight or obese in 2011/12, compared to around 55 per cent in 2007/08, Progress in Australian Regions* shows.
Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said the new figures also highlighted a lack of sufficient exercise for many Brisbane locals.
“The new stats show only about 49 per cent of Brisbane adults meet the recommended physical activity guidelines,” Ms Clift said.
“This is a significant drop from the 53 per cent who met the exercise guidelines in 2007/08 – more locals need to get urgently moving for their overall health.
“The overall trend of rising rates of overweight and obesity is a concern for the local region, putting lives at risk.
“Having a poor diet and being physically inactive can increase the risk of a range of chronic disease, including certain cancers.
“We’re calling on all Brisbane locals to get a fresh start in 2016 – get inspired to live your best year yet by improving your lifestyle to feel your happiest and healthiest.”
Up to one third of all cancers diagnosed in Brisbane can be prevented through simple lifestyle choices including maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet and being physically active.
“Get the family involved in a healthy shop – get together to organise a weekly meal plan that follows the Australian Dietary Guidelines,” Ms Clift said.
“Think about incorporating more movement into your everyday life too – hit the gym with a friend, walk the block with your dog or catch public transport and walk part of the way to your destination.
“Start at 30 minutes of moderate intensity activities everyday – walking, housework or even gardening – and aim for 60 minutes of exercise a day to further reduce your cancer risk.
“Huff and puff and halve your time too! If your fitness allows, step it up to cycling, jogging or swimming for 30 minutes of vigorous intensity activity every day.”
More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available via 13 11 20 or
For more information or interviews, please contact:
Executive Manager,
Media and Spokesperson,
Cancer Council Queensland
Phone: (07) 3634 5372
Mobile: 0409 001 171
*Yearbook 2015, Progress in Australian Regions, Australian Government, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development.