Search: risk factor

News: Queenslanders risk cancer death due to late detection

…CCQ research shows Queensland women living in outer regional or socioeconomically disadvantaged areas were more likely to be diagnosed with advanced breast cancer than other women. The risk of being diagnosed with advanced colon cancer was also higher in more…

News: Inadequate shade puts Queensland kids at risk

Inadequate shade structures at pools, playgrounds and parks may be putting Queensland kids at increased risk of skin cancer, according to new national research. Cancer Council Queensland has called on State and local governments to ensure all outdoor recreational areas…

News: Seeking sun to boost vitamin D a major risk in Queensland

Cancer Council is concerned that Queenslanders may be placing themselves at serious risk of skin damage by seeking additional sun exposure to boost vitamin D levels during winter. Despite common concerns about Queenslanders not getting enough sunshine during colder months,…

News: E-Cigarettes Pose Poison Risk to Kids

Cancer Council has warned Queenslanders not to use e-cigarettes, with new data showing a significant increase in poisoning cases in Queensland, especially in young children. The Queensland Poisons Information Centre recorded a significant increase in poisoning cases related to e-cigarettes…

News: Queensland kids dealt double risk of melanoma

…has the highest rates of skin cancer in the world – and the highest rate of childhood melanoma nationally. “Exposure in childhood increases the risk of skin cancer later in life, so it’s vital that children are taught healthy SunSmart…

Cancer Risk Calculator

risk. Explore your results, get tips, and compare your scores over time and to the population average. Click below to start your journey! Let’s Begin Lift your score, lower your risk FAQs What does the Cancer Risk Calculator…

News: Young Queenslanders at risk of obesity-related cancers

…year in Queenslanders aged 20 to 29 years. Overweight and obesity increases the risk of developing cancers of the bowel, oesophagus, pancreas, kidney, endometrium, ovaries, gallbladder and thyroid. Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said the trend was a cause…

News: Deadliest skin cancer increases risk of other cancers including prostate, lung

…cancers at a rate higher than expected in Queensland. Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said the study examined the risks of being diagnosed with cancer either following or prior to a Merkel cell carcinoma diagnosis. “Our research found people…

News: New Cancer Council cosmetics tackle premature aging and skin cancer risk

The effects of inadequate sun protection are ugly – increasing skin cancer risk and premature aging – yet many Queenslanders neglect to prioritise sun safety every time they walk out the door. Queensland is notoriously known for having the highest…

News: New silica resources released for National Safe Work Month serves as a reminder of hidden cancer risk

…dust without proper protection in place, which is a very real concern.” Ms McMillan warned workers and their employers to take the risk of silica dust seriously. “Those most at risk from silica dust inhalation are construction workers, miners, farmers…