Statistics are used to inform the development of programs and resources as well as to improve treatment and survival for people affected by cancer.
Published Reports
Research results published in peer-reviewed research reports and monographs.
Queensland Cancer Statistics Online (QCSOL)
An online data dissemination tool that provides the latest available statistics on cancer incidence, mortality, survival and prevalence for the most common cancers in Queensland.
Australian Childhood Cancer Statistics Online
Australian Childhood Cancer Statistics Online provides recent incidence, survival and mortality data by sex and age group for the most common cancers among children in Australia. Information on changes in these measures over time are also presented.
Cancer statistics for Queensland regions
A series of fact sheets that provide a summary of cancer statistics for each regional area of Queensland.
Fact Sheets
A series of fact sheets that provide a summary of cancer statistics by cancer type.
Australian Cancer Atlas
Research studies have long shown that where people live can have an impact on their health and affect the likelihood of being diagnosed with chronic diseases, like cancer.
The Australian Cancer Atlas, published in September 2018, is an interactive, online Atlas that provides the first ever national perspective of how cancer incidence and survival varies according to where people live.
The Australian Cancer Atlas is a collaborative study funded by Cancer Council Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, FrontierSI (formerly the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information), and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.