Search: small cell lung cancer

squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)

A type of cancer that begins in the squamous cells. Squamous cells are found in several place in the body, including the top layer (epidermis) of the skin, in the main airways of the lungs, and in the cervix….

basal cell carcinoma (BCC)

A type of skin cancer that develops in the basal cells of the top layer (epidermis) of the skin.

Research snapshot – Lung cancer in Australian children Youlden 2020

What is known? Lung cancer is a very rare diagnosis in children. The current literature mainly comprises individual case reports, small series of specific tumours and/or studies that combine children with older patients, and thus does not provide a clear…

small bowel cancer

A rare cancer that occurs in the small bowel. Also called small intestine cancer….

News: Lung cancer cases hitting Indigenous communities hard

…rates as non-Indigenous Queenslanders, there would have been around 330 fewer lung cancers diagnosed and around 280 fewer lung cancer deaths. Lung cancer remains the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Indigenous people, and the leading cause of all cancer deaths….

News: Dial 13 11 20 today for help with lung cancer

…2000 Queenslanders are diagnosed with lung cancer every year, and the disease remains the leading cancer-related cause of death among both men and women. Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said those affected by lung cancer were often reluctant to…

News: Deadliest skin cancer increases risk of other cancers including prostate, lung

…initially diagnosed with cancers other than Merkel cell carcinoma were about two and a half times more likely to get the deadly skin cancer,” Ms Clift said. “The risk of being diagnosed with melanoma, lip, head and neck cancers, lung

News: Let’s end the stigma of smoking for Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month and we’re urging all Queenslanders to help destigmatise lung cancer by raising awareness, fostering empathy, and showing support for those affected. This year alone, around 2150 Queenslanders will be diagnosed with lung cancer and…

News: Researchers target protein that helps spread lung cancer, leukaemia and melanoma

…Project Grant worth $200,000 for her work targeting the cancer-promoting protein galectin-3. “Galectin-3 is involved in cancers including lung cancer, leukaemia and melanoma. The aim of this research is to design small-molecule inhibitors as lead drugs tackling these cancers,” says…

News: Letter to the Editor: Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Dear Editor, November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month and we’re urging all Queenslanders to help raise awareness of the disease, reduce their risk and support those affected. Lung cancer affects more than 2200 Queenslanders each year, and sadly, more than…