Search: primary site

primary cancer

The original cancer. Cells from the primary cancer may break away and be carried to other parts of the body, where secondary cancers may form….

primary health care

A person’s main health care, which is provided by a general practitioner (GP) or a community nurse. It can include initial tests and diagnoses of disease, health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic illness management….

primary health care provider

A health professional, such as a general practitioner (GP) or community nurse, who provides the first point of contact for a person to help them with a range of health care matters….

News: Primary liver cancer cases in Queensland double in a decade

More needs to be done to prevent primary liver cancer in Queensland, with the number of Queenslanders diagnosed more than doubling in the ten years leading up to 2014. Statistics released by Cancer Council Queensland showed the number of people…

invasive cervical cancer

Cervical cancer that has spread deep into tissues at the primary site (cervix), and/or to other parts of the body.

neo-adjuvant therapy

Giving treatment before the primary treatment to try and make the primary treatment more successful….

recurrent cancer

Cancer that has returned after treatment of the primary cancer. A recurrence may be local (in the same place as the primary) or distant (in another part of the body)….

advanced cancer

Cancer that has spread deeply into the surrounding tissues or to other parts of the body away from the original site (metastasised) and is less likely to be cured.

Learning to relax

The diagnosis and treatment of cancer is demanding not only on those diagnosed, but also for their family and friends. Routines are interrupted, and people often say they feel like they are on a roller coaster ride of appointments, tests…

secondary cancer

Cancer that has spread from the original site to another part of the body. Also called a metastasis….