Search: primary site

Cancer stage

The extent of a cancer and whether the disease has spread from an original site to other parts of the body.

Research snapshot – Trends in adult liver cancers Dasgupta 2020

What is known? Primary liver cancer is a leading source of cancer deaths globally and is associated with poor survival. The key cause of liver cancer is viral hepatitis B infection in Asia and other developing countries, and viral hepatitis…

Research snapshot – Childhood renal tumours in Australia Jones 2020

…We found that incidence rates for Australian children with renal tumours have remained stable over the past three decades, with five-year survival steady at near to 90%. However, relapse and the occurrence of second primary malignancies remain problematic and are…

Research snapshot – Lung cancer in Australian children Youlden 2020

…receiving chemotherapy. Five‐year survival was estimated to be 74%. What does this mean? Our results represent one of the largest and most complete studies of children with primary malignant lung cancers available to date. Raising awareness is important as detection…