Search: small bowel


An examination of the large bowel with a camera on a flexible tube (endoscope), which is passed through the anus.

colorectal cancer

See bowel cancer.


An opening (stoma) in the abdomen made from the colon (part of the large bowel). Also, the operation that creates this stoma.


Ability to control urination and bowel movements.

naevus (plural: naevi)

A small dark spot on the skin that arises from skin cells called melanocytes. Also called a mole….


Small masses of lymphatic tissue on either side of the back of the mouth that help to fight infection….


A small, permanent tube used to drain fluid build-up in the brain….

salivary ducts

Small openings in the oral cavity that release saliva into the mouth. The ducts are connected to the salivary glands….

radioisotope bone scan

A scan using small amounts of radioisotope to find areas of bone where there is cancer….

pulse oximeter

A small machine, usually attached to a finger or toe, that measures how much oxygen is in the blood….