squamous metaplasia
The process of glandular cells undergoing changes to become squamous cells….
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The process of glandular cells undergoing changes to become squamous cells….
A type of cancer that begins in the squamous cells. Squamous cells are found in several place in the body, including the top layer (epidermis) of the skin, in the main airways of the lungs, and in the cervix….
A red velvety spot or patch in the mouth that may be precancerous.
A red, scaly spot on the skin that is a sign of sun damage to the skin. Also called a sunspot….
Part of the body’s immune system. Antibodies are proteins made by the blood in response to an invader (antigen) in the body. They help protect against viruses, bacteria and other foreign substances.
Measurements of the body’s pulse rate, temperature, respiration rate, and blood pressure. This indicates the state of essential body functions….
The system that removes wastes from the blood and expels them from the body in urine. It includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra….
A small machine, usually attached to a finger or toe, that measures how much oxygen is in the blood….
A specialist who studies diseases to understand their nature and cause, and who interprets the results of tests (such as a biopsy or blood count)….
A type of white blood cell that defends the body against bacteria….
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