Search: prostate specific antigen (PSA)

localised prostate cancer

Cancer that has not spread beyond the prostate gland. Also known as early prostate cancer.

advanced prostate cancer

Prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.

benign prostate enlargement

A non-cancerous swelling of the prostate.

Disease mapping: Geographic differences in population rates of interventional treatment for prostate cancer in Australia

Summary For men with prostate cancer, the way it is treated depends on where they live in Australia. What is known? People diagnosed with prostate cancer decide which treatment (or treatments) to undertake, with their doctors’ advice and guidance. These…

transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)

A surgical procedure to remove tissue from the prostate that is restricting urinary flow….

News: Deadliest skin cancer increases risk of other cancers including prostate, lung

New research shows Queenslanders with the world’s deadliest skin cancer are diagnosed with more than double the expected number of subsequent primary cancers, including melanoma, lip, prostate, colorectal and lung cancers. Queensland has at least double the rates of Merkel…

News: Letter to the Editor: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

…cancer have unmet sexuality and sexual health needs following treatment. Specifically, rates of erectile dysfunction in prostate cancer survivors are 10 to 15 times higher than their age-matched peers without cancer. The Men and Sexual Health Prostate Cancer Study is…

News: World first prostate cancer surgery trial

In a world first trial Australian researchers have found robotic surgery for prostate cancer is no more effective than open prostatectomy at 12 weeks after surgery, contrary to widespread clinical advice. Robot-assisted surgery for prostate cancer has been rapidly adopted…

Blog: David was diagnosed with prostate cancer the day before his 74th birthday

David Callister had only recently retired when he received a prostate cancer diagnosis in March 2021 – the day before his 74th birthday. Testing Back in 2017, a regular blood test showed a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) reading of 7, which…

News: Prostate cancer survivors urged to increase physical activity

…urgently needed to help prostate cancer survivors get enough aerobic and resistance exercise for their short and long-term health. Prostate cancer survivors are advised to participate in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week, with…