Search: benign prostate enlargement

News: Couples struggle to cope with prostate cancer

…of men diagnosed with prostate cancer experience mild to severe anxiety, with the man’s psychological distress and sexual issues the strongest influencers on the partner’s mental health*. Research also shows the partners of men diagnosed with prostate cancer have twice…

News: Research reveals global gap in prostate cancer survival

A new international review has found survival prospects for men with prostate cancer are strongly linked to where they live. Reviewing national and international studies, Cancer Council researchers found consistent differences in survival from prostate cancer for men in urban…

News: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

…single, simple test to detect prostate cancer. The test most commonly used to aid early detection of prostate cancer is the prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test but this test does not always reliably identify the presence of prostate cancer,…

News: Prostate cancer: men with greatest needs least likely to seek help

…Clift said where men did seek support, the top three sources accessed were medical professionals, nurses and prostate cancer support groups. “Our research identifies the need for a holistic approach to better support men with prostate cancer – one that…

News: Deadliest skin cancer increases risk of other cancers including prostate, lung

New research shows Queenslanders with the world’s deadliest skin cancer are diagnosed with more than double the expected number of subsequent primary cancers, including melanoma, lip, prostate, colorectal and lung cancers. Queensland has at least double the rates of Merkel…

News: Having partner reduces risk of death for men with prostate cancer

…University and University of Queensland study investigated the impact of a range of factors on short-term mortality outcomes for men diagnosed with prostate cancer in Queensland. The research found a consistently higher risk of mortality for men diagnosed with prostate

News: New study to improve sex lives of men with prostate cancer

Cancer Council is calling on men affected by prostate cancer to take part in a global study assessing the sexual health concerns of survivors, helping improve life after treatment. Research shows one-third of all men diagnosed with prostate cancer have…


A gland about the size of a walnut that is part of the male reproductive system. It produces most of the fluid that makes up semen….

News: Prostate cancer survivors urged to increase physical activity

…urgently needed to help prostate cancer survivors get enough aerobic and resistance exercise for their short and long-term health. Prostate cancer survivors are advised to participate in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week, with…

News: World first prostate cancer surgery trial

In a world first trial Australian researchers have found robotic surgery for prostate cancer is no more effective than open prostatectomy at 12 weeks after surgery, contrary to widespread clinical advice. Robot-assisted surgery for prostate cancer has been rapidly adopted…