Search: Breast Cancer

Blog: Breast cancer survivor shares powerful message of early detection

…made the proactive decision to visit her doctor the following day. It was that day Laraine’s worst nightmare became her reality. She was diagnosed with breast cancer. “I was very lucky we found the cancer when we did as it…

News: Researchers take a new approach to beating breast cancer

…of this research is to improve treatment outcomes for cancer patients by eliminating opportunities for the cancer to spread and reoccur later,” she said. Cancer Council Queensland recommends women aged 50-74 have a mammogram every two years through BreastScreen Queensland….

News: Rates of breast cancer soar in Southern Asia

New Cancer Council research shows rates of female breast cancer are rapidly increasing in countries that traditionally recorded low rates of the disease, including China, Singapore, Thailand and Japan. The Cancer Council Queensland and University of Malaya study* found breast

News: Women living in north and west Queensland face increasing chance of breast cancer

Breast cancer incidence rates are increasing faster in north and west Queensland than in the rest of the state, a new Cancer Council Queensland study has found[1]. Researchers from Cancer Council Queensland examined incidence and survival patterns for the five…

invasive breast cancer

Cancer that has spread from the lining of the breast ducts or lobules into the surrounding breast tissue.

non-invasive breast cancer

Cancer that is confined to the ducts or lobules of the breast….

breast care nurse

A registered nurse who has done special studies in breast cancer nursing.

News: Free wigs give Queensland cancer patients their confidence back

…diagnosed with cancer every 20 minutes in Queensland – more than 27,000 each year. For more information or to book an appointment with the ESA Wig and Turban Service, please call Cancer Council’s 13 11 20 or visit The…

News: Women must beware to be breast aware between screenings

Hundreds of Queensland women are developing breast cancers between screening each year, prompting a warning from Cancer Council for women to be breast aware between mammograms. The call follows the publication of new data revealing women diagnosed with breast cancer

News: Cancer Council backs pre-booked breast screens

…familiarise themselves with the normal look and feel of their breasts,” Ms Clift said. “All women should also see a doctor immediately if they notice any unusual breast changes.” Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in Queensland women…