Search: palliative care specialist (physician)

Blog: Revolutionising Ovarian Cancer Care through Nanodiagnostics Breakthrough

In Queensland, 305 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer every year. Sadly, the five-year survival rate for this disease is only 49%. Dr. Mostafa Kamal Masud is conducting cutting edge research that aims to turn these numbers around. Understanding the

Blog: Your self care bank account

…an experience with cancer, either personally or with someone close to you, may present new and unexpected challenges. Looking after yourself, also known as self-care, is essential to our wellbeing as people. Self-care helps us to cope better with the…


A place that provides comprehensive care for people with a life-limiting illness. This may include inpatient medical care, respite care and end-of-life care for people who are unable to die at home.


A specialist who studies diseases to understand their nature and cause, and who interprets the results of tests (such as a biopsy or blood count)….

recovery room

A hospital room for the care of patients immediately after surgery….