Search: Brain tumour


When a malignant tumour is surgically removed some surrounding tissue will be removed with it. If this surrounding tissue does not contain any cancer cells it is said to be a clear margin….


A type of three-dimensional radiation therapy that allows the radiation beams to be shaped around a tumour more precisely.


A type of surgery. The surgeon opens the chest cavity through a cut on the back to examine, biopsy and/or remove the tumour….


A diagnostic x-ray machine that is used to ensure the correct alignment of the treatment beam with the tumour….

sentinel node mapping

A way to identify the sentinel lymph node by injection of a radioactive substance, blue dye or both near the tumour….

sentinel node

The first lymph node to receive lymph fluid directly from a tumour….

craniofacial resection

Surgical removal of a tumour involving a cut through the face.


Surgery that involves cutting into the spinal column and removing a spinal cord tumour.


A score showing how abnormal cells are when compared to normal tissue. It is used to describe how quickly a tumour is likely to grow.


Surgical removal of a part of a tumour, to enhance the effectiveness of other treatments, such as chemotherapy.