Search: prostate

News: Cancer Council launches prostate cancer call-in

Queensland men affected by prostate cancer are being urged to reach out for support as Cancer Council launches a dedicated prostate cancer call-in day on their Helpline, on September 24. New data shows only 20 per cent of Brisbane callers…


A gland about the size of a walnut that is part of the male reproductive system. It produces most of the fluid that makes up semen….


An operation to remove all or part of the prostate….

radical prostatectomy

An operation to remove the entire prostate and some of the tissue around it….

News: What’s your why?…John’s Story

An opportunity to give something back to Cancer Council Queensland after he received support and knowledge during his own prostate cancer journey in 2009 was the catalyst for John Cartwright’s volunteering career. “I pack and dispatch orders for the mail…

BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene

A gene change that increases the risk of getting breast, ovarian or prostate cancer.

digital rectal examination (DRE)

An examination in which a doctor puts a gloved finger into the anus to feel for abnormalities in the anus, rectum or prostate gland.

Gleason score

A way of grading prostate cancer biopsies. A low Gleason score indicates a slow-growing cancer and a higher score indicates a faster-growing cancer.

salvage treatment

Different treatments used when prostate cancer has returned….

seminal vesicles

Glands that lie close to the prostate and produce secretions that form part of the semen….