Search: nasogastric (NG) tube


An examination of the large bowel with a camera on a flexible tube (endoscope), which is passed through the anus.


An opening through the abdomen into the stomach. It is usually created to place a feeding tube.

fenestrated tracheostomy

A tracheostomy tube with an opening to allow air to flow through the voice box.

hyperbaric treatment

Involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurised room or tube.


A procedure that allows the doctor to closely examine the larynx and pharynx using a tube inserted into your mouth and throat (laryngoscope).


An internal examination of the nose and upper airways using a long, flexible tube called an endoscope….


The tube that carries food from the throat into the stomach. Sometimes called the gullet….


The throat. This is a muscular tube about 10cm long that extends from the back of the nose to the top of the larynx and oesophagus….

port-a-cath (port)

A small medical appliance installed beneath the skin. A tube called a catheter connects the port to a vein so that fluids can be passed into the body. Also called an infusaport….


A small, permanent tube used to drain fluid build-up in the brain….