Search: diagnosis

five-year survival rate

The percentage of people alive five years after diagnosis.


A doctor who specialises in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions, including melanoma.


A patient who is not hospitalised overnight but who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated facility for diagnosis or treatment….

Research snapshot – Life expectancy changes after cancer by geographic location Kou 2020

What is known? Loss of life expectancy (LOLE) due to a cancer diagnosis provides a different perspective to standard measures of prognosis following a cancer diagnosis. LOLE is the difference between the life expectancy among the general population, and the…

Research snapshot – Life expectancy changes after cancer over time Kou 2020

What is known? Population survival statistics such as the relative survival rate at diagnosis are often used to provide cancer patients with an insight into the implications of their diagnosis. This measure alone does not reflect that younger people have…

Research snapshot – Melanoma deaths by thickness Baade 2020

…was higher soon after diagnosis. For thin melanomas, the proportion of melanoma patients who died within five years of their diagnosis has decreased over time. However, there was no decrease for those diagnosed with thick melanomas. What does this mean?…

Practical support

A range of practical and financial support programs can help ease the burden of diagnosis and treating cancer….

Professional symposiums and conferences

From time to time, Cancer Council Queensland will list symposiums and conferences run by other organisations, that are related to cancer, on this page. These symposiums and conferences are not managed by Cancer Council Queensland and therefore Cancer Council Queensland…