invasive lobular carcinoma
A cancer that started in the milk lobules but has spread into the normal breast tissue around it.
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A cancer that started in the milk lobules but has spread into the normal breast tissue around it.
A cancer that started in the milk duct but has spread into the normal tissue around it.
Abnormal cells in the breast ducts that may increase the risk of developing invasive breast cancer.
A type of endometrial cancer.
A type of nervous system cell that surrounds and holds neurons in place; nourishes them; and gets rid of dead cells and germs. Also called neuroglia.
A type of cell found in the cervical canal (endocervix).
A type of lung cancer strongly associated with cigarette smoking. It spreads early and causes few initial symptoms….
One of the three types of cells that make up the skin’s top layer (epidermis). It is also a found in the outer layer of the cervix (ectocervix) and in the main airways of the lungs….
…but can occur anywhere on the body. Skin has several layers. Skin cancer begins in the epidermis (outer layer), which is made up of squamous cells, basal cells, and melanocytes. There are several different types of skin cancer. Squamous cell…
A cell that transmits electrical impulses that carry information from one part of the body to the other. The three types of neurons are sensory neurons, motor neurons and interneurons….
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