Research Snapshots
…patterns in rare cancer types View more Long-term childhood cancer survival View more Review of poorer survival among First Nations cancer patients View more Second primary cancer in AYA cancer survivors View more …
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…patterns in rare cancer types View more Long-term childhood cancer survival View more Review of poorer survival among First Nations cancer patients View more Second primary cancer in AYA cancer survivors View more …
…cancer patients. What is new? A study has been conducted involving more than 2 million Australians diagnosed with an invasive cancer. This study calculated the ‘avoided cancer deaths’ (reduced number of cancer deaths within ten years of diagnosis due to…
…increase in the incidence rate of cancer amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (compared to 12% for other Australian children). However, because cancer incidence was initially much lower among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, their rate of cancer…
…recurrence. Childhood cancer staging for population registries (PDF) Five-year relative survival by stage at diagnosis for childhood cancers Distribution of childhood cancer stage Late effects of childhood cancer Survivors of childhood cancer are at high risk of adverse long-term health…
…first national study in Australia of deaths due to noncancer diseases among five-year survivors of childhood cancer, showing that they experienced more than a four-fold increased risk of noncancer disease-related death compared to people who did not experience childhood cancer…
…particularly important for both AYA cancer survivors and their clinicians. Contact: A/Prof Danny Youlden Reference: Youlden DR, Roder DM, Walker R, Bradford NK, Aitkin JF. Second primary cancers following cancer among adolescents and young adults in Queensland, Australia, 1982-2013. 2022….
…diagnosed with cancer every 20 minutes in Queensland – more than 27,000 each year. For more information or to book an appointment with the ESA Wig and Turban Service, please call Cancer Council’s 13 11 20 or visit cancerqld.org.au. The…
Cancer Support – Health professionals’ online request Cancer Support Cancer Council Queensland’s Cancer Support Services aim to assist Queenslanders affected by a diagnosis of cancer through the provision of information, emotional and practical support. Submitting a request for cancer support…
The process of determining if the cancer is early or advanced….
A lighted viewing instrument that is inserted into the urethra and advanced into the bladder.
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