Search: supraglottic laryngectomy

supraglottic laryngectomy

Surgery to remove the upper part of the larynx above the vocal cords (supraglottis)….


The surgical removal of the larynx. In a partial laryngectomy, only part of the larynx is removed.

supracricoid laryngectomy

Surgery to remove the upper part of the larynx, including vocal cords….

Laryngectomy supplies

For a number of years, Cancer Council Queensland has offered a limited supply of laryngectomy products. Originally, this was driven by the needs of clients and limited supply options available. Over the past years, the funding of laryngectomy products has…

oesophageal speech

Inhaling or injecting air into the top of your oesophagus and then out again to produce a voice after a total laryngectomy….