Hair loss is a common side effect for many Queenslanders as a result of cancer treatment and one way CCQ aims to assist people going through this experience is by providing a Wig and Turban Library service.
Everyone deals with hair loss in their own way and while some people prefer to wear a wig, others prefer hats, scarves and turbans. At CCQ, we provide this no cost service to those cancer patients looking for a wig or turban. With a variety of colours to choose from and a selection of short or long wigs, along with a range of turbans kindly sewn by our volunteers, we can usually find just the right thing.
Along with our Practical Support Coordinators, Bernice and Sue, we have fully trained volunteers who assist people in finding the right wig or turban just for them. It takes a special volunteer to be able to do this work and at CCQ we are so fortunate to have a wonderful team of ladies who donate their time working with the patients to choose that right piece of headwear.
One of these ladies is Sabina, a former hairdresser who now volunteers one day a week at the Wig and Turban Library in CCQ’s Brisbane office. Sabina says “I was wanting to volunteer for a while and when this opportunity came up, I thought this is something I can use my skills doing while giving back to the community at the same time”.
“It’s been a really uplifting experience, you can tell they leave happier than when they came in, they often want to still have similar hair to what they had before their cancer, and it brings me a lot of joy to see that smile on their faces as they walk out the door, with their new wig” said Sabina.
The Wig and Turban Library is just one of the Practical Support Services CCQ offers, and in 2015 we proudly provided 895 wigs and 2500 turbans throughout Queensland. This meant we were able to support over 1050 Queenslanders with this service.
“The wig gave me self-confidence and normality at a very difficult time” Wig and Turban recipient.
Other practical support services provided by CCQ include a volunteer run airport shuttle service for patients flying into Brisbane or Townsville for treatment and where eligible, a pro bono financial and legal referral service.
CCQ has Wig and Turban Library services throughout Queensland and if you or someone you know would like to find out more information, or to book an appointment, please phone 13 11 20.
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