It’s Ekka time and Cancer Council Queensland has some tips for keeping healthy
A challenge when Brisbane welcomes more than 24 tonnes of ice cream to tempt crowds of almost 400,000 people! From this Friday, August 8, Ekka will kick off with the help of 13 tonnes of strawberries, 20,000 toasted cheese sandwiches, 10,000 animals and over 300 showbags. Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said it was important to balance a few special Ekka treats with a range of healthy options on offer.
“It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and end up feeling a little green or guilty after overindulging, so plan your day in advance and keep an eye out for a range of fresh, healthy and tasty foods.”
Ms Clift said. “Treats like lollies and strawberry sundaes are okay in moderation – try to limit your sugar consumption on the day and save the showbag treats for later on.
“There are plenty of healthy alternatives when it comes to showbags too – consider choosing ones with magazines, health and fitness equipment or toys for the kids as something different.”
Last year’s Ekka was spread across 22 hectares – plenty of places for people to explore and stay active on their day out.
“There are plenty of opportunities to get up and get active at Ekka so be sure to pack your walking shoes and water bottle too!
“Pack some healthy snacks like fruit and nuts to keep you reaching for too much sugar throughout the day.
“Don’t forget there are also plenty of healthy alternatives on offer around the pavilions, so sample some of the state’s finest, healthiest produce while you’re out and about.”
Up to one third of all cancers are preventable through simple lifestyle adjustments including eating healthily, maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular physical activity, quitting smoking and staying SunSmart.
“Don’t forget to stay SunSmart at this year’s show. Pack the sunscreen to reapply and wear a broad-brimmed hat. Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide to reduce your risk of skin cancer,” Ms Clift said.
“Having a healthy lifestyle isn’t about a one-off choice – it’s building healthy habits into your everyday schedule to ensure best quality of life and to help you feel your best.”
More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available via Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20.