Letter to the Editor: Australia’s Health 2016

Dear Editor,

For the first time cancer has overtaken cardiovascular disease as the biggest cause of death in Australia, highlighting the urgent need for more emphasis on prevention, more funding for research, better early detection and treatment, and statewide cancer support services.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s Australia’s Health 2016 found cancer contributed to the most deaths nationally in 2013, the latest figures available.

This report is a reminder of the significant impact cancer has on our community – with more than 190,000 Queenslanders alive today after a diagnosis of cancer in the past 20 years

In fact, one Queenslander is diagnosed with cancer every 20 minutes, and one Queensland will die from the disease every hour.

We must increase our efforts to save more lives and prevent cancer.

As a non-government organisation, community donations for independent research and patient support is critical.

So too are prevention measures. We know that at least one third of all cancer cases are preventable through modifiable risk factors – including maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, being SunSmart limiting alcohol and being active.

We urge all Queenslanders not to smoke, to avoid risky drinking, to be physically active, and to eat a well-balanced diet.

And please, please participate in recommended bowel, cervical, breast and skin cancer screening if you are eligible!

If you or someone you love has been impacted by cancer, please call us on 13 11 20 or donate via cancerqld.org.au.

We’re here for all Queenslanders, in the fight against all cancers.

Professor Jeff Dunn AO
CEO Cancer Council Queensland


For more information or interviews, please contact:
Katie Clift,
Executive Manager,
Media and Spokesperson,
Cancer Council Queensland
Phone: (07) 3634 5372
Mobile: 0409 001 171